Example sentences of "thus have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Corporate strategy in manufacturing thus has to take into account the fact that organizations that are able rapidly to adapt to change have a competitive advantage in the face of changing technology and volatile product markets .
2 The price of petrol thus has to reflect the cost of a single-occupant trip by bus or rail , so that private motoring only becomes cheaper if the car has more than one occupant .
3 Thus has emerged the medical concept of ‘ brain-stem death ’ .
4 The balance of output between the sectors thus has shifted , but what this does not tell us is whether services are now the ‘ engine ’ of growth within the economy .
5 Thus has come about the present status of evolution of which man is the apparent culmination but not the real summit ; for he is himself a transitional being and stands at the turning point of the whole movement . ’
6 Further discussion thus has to focus attention on particular flows , and we now consider the two-dimensional wake to exemplify the procedures and the ideas that come from them .
7 He had thus had achieved the greatest practicable measure of independence without squandering resources on strategic missile development .
8 The Banking Department will thus have to acquire more notes from the Issue Department , which will simply print more in exchange for extra government or other securities supplied by the Banking Department .
9 We would thus have to resort to the use of overlays , with one overlay per attribute .
10 The course is both demanding and rewarding ; a graduate in French will have shown competence in a variety of academic and intellectual skills , will have adapted successfully to a challenging foreign environment , and will thus have demonstrated the qualities of intellect and personality most prized by employers .
11 Kennedy might thus have decided that the question was not worth pursuing had it not been for British persistence and Foreign Office assessments which suggested that the Soviets themselves hoped that an agreement of some kind might result .
12 The manufacturer would thus have to spend a lot on mass advertising to create brand loyalty for the product , or attempt to ‘ push ’ the product through the channel by providing trade incentives , with probably a lower end price than competitive products coupled with a larger profit margin for retailers .
13 After a period of very stable numbers between 1985–89 , the PCC will thus have seen its workload increase by 66 per cent in only three years , a trend which shows little sign of ending .
14 The client will thus have to approach a firm such as KPMG to obtain authorisation for the advertisement and notification of such authorisation will have to be provided to the publisher .
15 They would thus have reproduced themselves and multiplied .
16 Despite all the apparent sophistication of defence analysis , it may thus have produced a set of answers to the wrong question .
17 The advocates of such a holistic viewpoint would have been far more willing to accept the need for preserving the complex web of natural relationships , and would thus have gravitated towards the environmentalist movement .
18 He re-sat the ‘ O ’ levels at the next available opportunity ( November 1979 ) and crashed once more , thus having to abandon his initial ambition of becoming a police officer .
19 The commercial men resented thus having to create a negative image of their product , but this was the least the industry could do to allay government criticism that they were expanding more rapidly than resources allowed .
20 Thus having sold Rocky we are left with no-one who can put his foot on the ball and control the game ( Macca excepted ) .
21 Thus having passed the appropriate sentence , he then , through the atoning work of Christ , stands in the sinner 's place and stead .
22 The court found that the pilot appeared to have confused the vertical speed instruments with the altitude indicator , and thus to have selected an inadequate altitude shortly before landing .
23 The so-called Stalker affair re-emerged throughout January 1990 following the collapse on Jan. 18 of fraud charges against Kevin Taylor , a Manchester businessman and alleged criminal with whom John Stalker , the former Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester , was said to have associated and thus to have engaged in discreditable conduct .
24 The temple at Edfu , which we reached on the morning of the third day , was dedicated to Horus , for this was the spot where he was said to have vanquished Seth , and thus to have established the ascendancy of good over evil , This is never a , convincing concept , and the reliefs display the struggle and its happy outcome with an adamancy that seems to betray doubt .
25 The study thus had to tackle several methodological issues as well .
26 Management thus had to respond to the rising expectations and social aspirations of a higher paid and better educated workforce , and felt obliged also to reduce the rising costs of apathy induced by meaningless work .
27 Forbes thus had to wait for fifteen years or so before the coveted post came up ; during this time Jameson sometimes teetered but always recovered , and his courses and museum fell behind the times .
28 On 3 May he gave an address on Milton at the Frick Museum in New York , in which he recanted his previously low opinion of the poet , and on this occasion he seemed to one observer " incredibly refined , visibly aged " — he had given the same address two months before to the British Academy , and thus had saved himself additional effort .
29 Local communities thus had to find more money to fulfil even their admitted obligations under the statute of 1327 , and the regular wearing of military uniform , which began in the 1330s , added to their burden since it too had to be paid for by the community .
30 Dorothy thus had to start earning her own living when she was seventeen .
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