Example sentences of "thus [v-ing] an " in BNC.

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1 10 March , receives support from the fieldsportsmen , the same people who in hunting counties , encourage foxes to bred in artificial earths , thus producing an increase in foxes which is a contributory factor in the decline of the hare ( being 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the rural foxes ' diet ) !
2 A magic sprout from the mountains of Tibet is spun around a type of electronic roulette wheel , the unconscious yearnings of the citizenry acting as an invisible force on the brassica , thus producing an outcome in tune with the true needs of the community .
3 Enfield , Middlesex-based Data Connection Ltd announces that it has independently developed an implementation of IBM 's APPN network node software , thus becoming an alternate source for the software .
4 Miss Margaret Medlow ( now Mrs Johnston ) retired from the Superintendency of the Primary Sunday School , thus ending an association of over 50 years with the Sunday Schools .
5 Unfortunately , people in this latter group have decreased their consumption by 10 per cent , thus widening an important dietary difference between the social groups .
6 He went adrift by imagining that you could float in water head up and then duck your head under , thus displacing an extra quantity of water , which could be measured .
7 It creates reliability , thus meeting an important maintenance need of the system .
8 entered once for all into the Holy Place , taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood , thus securing an eternal redemption …
9 But they sandwich two orchestral pieces thus presenting an otherwise plausible ( though infrequent ) sort of concert outline ( Prokofiev , Gershwin , interval , Gershwin , Enescu ) exactly inside out .
10 Kaleidoscope thinking , then , involves taking an existing array of data , phenomena , or assumptions and being able to twist them , shake them , look at them upside down or from another angle or from a new direction — thus permitting an entirely new pattern and consequent set of actions to take place .
11 These rules do not bite where a claim is settled , thus providing an additional incentive to both sides to reach a private agreement .
12 The possibility that natural communities could be visualized in similar terms occurred to many biologists in the later decades of the century , thus providing an incentive to study the interactions upon which the whole network depended .
13 Perhaps too the future of systems , by focusing upon the mechanics of the system , will necessarily incorporate processes , man and change over time , and employ quantitative methods — thus providing an integration of the themes in the previous four chapters .
14 An early fourth-century building had been demolished to make way for the wall , thus providing an approximate date for its construction .
15 The aim of the study is to record , describe and analyse their perceptions and experience of the process of adoption thus providing an up-to-date picture of the consumer view .
16 To place a flat slab of stone across each angle of the square thus providing an octagonal basis .
17 Having provided the Franks with a Trojan origin , he stated that after the death of Francio they were ruled by duces , thus providing an explanation for the lack of a royal family , which so troubled Gregory , and creating space for a new dynasty of long-haired kings .
18 His great-grandson , Richard Gittins IV , married an heiress and added the lease of Castle Farm , thus amassing an estate of some 650 acres , the largest in the parish .
19 This can not vary rapidly with y without producing a very large mean acceleration and thus requiring an improbable mean flow distribution .
20 So he would , in fact , not quite kill his victim , thus committing an imperfect murder .
21 This led to a debate within the company as to whether the role of ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was to demonstrate the sort of rooms ‘ Mr and Mrs Average ’ might own , decorated only to those standards to which they could aspire , or should it display exotically luxurious settings , thus attaining an often impossibly high level in taste and quality .
22 Judith Hughes , for example , puts forward a way of seeing autonomy ( and adulthood ) based primarily on the notion of responsibility rather than that of rationality , thus giving an ethical dimension to autonomy .
23 Beds representing marine invasions may contain marine shells or brackish water shells , thus giving an indication of local conditions .
24 Later , four more aisles were added , each terminating in a round apse , thus giving an east end with nine apses ( 238 ) .
25 In many cases , this association of boundaries with mills means either that the mills were in existence when the boundaries were defined ( thus indicating an increased number of Anglo-Saxon mill sites and a more extensive interference with river courses than we formerly thought ) , or that special arrangements were made to alter parish boundaries when new mills were built .
26 The variety at the surface is greatly increased by the excavation through impacts of different layers of accreted material , thus converting an initial vertical variation in composition into the horizontal variability observed .
27 ‘ I consider that ethically a human person is created when the sperm of a male fertilises the ovum of a woman , thus creating an embryo … either in the fallopian tubes or in vitro .
28 Information about the study is presented clearly and concisely , thus creating an ideal text for nurses new to evaluating research reports .
29 An exhibition can be viewed as a means of getting noticed and attracting publicity and contracts : as a rare chance of seeing a good deal of your recent work together and thus creating an opportunity for self-evaluation and an assessment of the way your work is developing ; and , by no means least , as a way of selling work .
30 The danger of this is that the fear of an award of damages against it would unduly encourage the authority to reach the same decision again , thus creating an appearance of bias .
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