Example sentences of "seems to have be " in BNC.

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1 Tell the King that Mohamed Srifi 's only crime seems to have been the expression of his peaceful political views .
2 Equity seems to have been prominent in your career very early on .
3 It seems to have been submitted as part of his doctoral thesis by an American postgraduate student named Osbert Mint .
4 ‘ Someone , ’ said Inspector Milsom meaningfully , ‘ seems to have been altogether too careful to my way of thinking . ’
5 Indeed , he seems to have been more influenced by the adventure of war : ‘ Que la guerre est jolie ! ’
6 That seems to have been inspired by his father 's excellent library , as well as the spiritual contact with him that such studying brought .
7 Certainly he came under such guidance from within his family which clashed with his own predilections , for his varsity life seems to have been plagued by vocational uncertainty and more than a touch of its weakening indifference .
8 The language apart , Leonard also seems to have been drawn towards the scandal-provoking propensities of the social catalysts as well as their revolutionary emphases ; drawn towards them , at times suggesting some involvement with them , but always as an outsider to their cause ; never a fully committed revolutionary himself .
9 Dance seems to have been affected most by psychological studies initiated by Freud and others and first exploited by Rudolf von Laban and Mary Wigman .
10 I am aware of the extensive experimental research which has focused on ion forms involving Ca++ Na+ etc2 , but what seems to have been missed in this prior research is the appreciation that water forms its own ion form in that it dissociates into hydroxyl and hydronium ions as listed on the table .
11 In view of the Warc footnote , this statement seems to have been economical with the truth .
12 This seems to have been , at least in part , the motive behind a walking-tour which Pound took in 1911 , of which we learn in chapter 16 of his Guide to Kulchur , written twenty years later :
13 It seems to have been this last line which caused the editors of the Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound to provide one of the few pieces of misinformation in that admirable work .
14 Henry Newbolt was at this time Hewlett 's neighbour in Wiltshire , and it seems to have been at this Christmas time that Hewlett took Pound to see Newbolt , who figures elsewhere in Canto 80 :
15 Instead , the outcome of what seems to have been an uncomfortable occasion was merely that Pound and Lewis took that much longer to find out that they were natural allies .
16 And this is not altogether surprising ; for Dorothy Pound seems to have been English in a singularly entire and uncompromising fashion .
17 Pound was to mock Yeats indulgently for seeing in Notre Dame not a physical presence in worked stone , but only a symbol ; yet in Sicily Pound 's seems to have been the mind that was symbologizing .
18 The City put the shares up 4p to 565p , but that seems to have been largely on the basis of the optimistic tone of the statement and the general state of the market than from any in-depth analysis of the figures .
19 But the market seems to have been generating some big increases for certain quite junior City people — notably in foreign exchange and swaps .
20 So far Japanese management expertise seems to have been transferred more successfully into the manufacturing sector than into financial services .
21 Dr Clare does not address any of these problems directly , but tells us a lot about his childhood , which seems to have been quite nice , unless he is trying to hide something shameful .
22 The Jesuit College of St Alban , an English seminary in Valladolid , this month celebrates the 400th anniversary of its foundation , the programme including Mass in Westminster Cathedral but , sadly , no return of the 1907 fixture with Real which the college won , though the result seems to have been lost in some priest-hole of history .
23 Until about 20 years ago the citadel still served as barracks and prison , and seems to have been thought suitable for confining revolutionaries .
24 What seems to have been forgotten is the role played by my relation , Meg Meade-Fetherstonhaugh in bringing this Sleeping Beauty to life for our generation to enjoy until its tragic destruction .
25 It seems to have been based on real understanding , but little real intimacy .
26 The operative straw seems to have been his exclusion from the inner circle during the twenty-four hours of the joint Anglo-French ultimatum , though back in August Clark had recorded quite dispassionately that ‘ a good deal of effort is going into trying to find a proper pretext for taking military action .
27 It seems to have been completed by the start of July .
28 Eliot , who was putting ‘ Tartar horsemen ’ in his poetry in 1924 , seems to have been impressed by this passage .
29 Yet Eliot seems to have been attracted even to the most unlikely sources , including even Conan Doyle 's ‘ The Musgrave Ritual ’ .
30 In Eliot 's own life such an idea seems to have been associated particularly with artistic movements of the big cities .
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