Example sentences of "seemed have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wells was requested to take the oath on whether he had actually made a statement , as the police seemed to have no record of it .
2 It was clear , furthermore , she was a housekeeper who took her work very seriously and in spite of her youth , she seemed to have no difficulty gaining the respect of her staff .
3 Signs pleading for slower driving seemed to have no effect , he said .
4 She was so slim that she seemed to have no breadth whatever .
5 Indeed , some of the film sequences we saw seemed to have no purpose or justification other than to reinforce or sell the idea that it can be highly pleasurable to inflict injury , pain or humiliation ( often in a sexual context ) on others .
6 Although she told me she was experiencing a certain amount of discomfort due to the condition of her appendix , and although she was not really looking forward to surgery and to the anaesthetic , none the less Kirsty seemed to have no more than the expected apprehension which would have been felt by anyone .
7 Her head was three times its normal size , one huge , crusty , black blister , her eyes like two slit tennis balls , and the lower half of her face seemed to have no features at all except enormous fat black lips that covered her nostrils and chin .
8 The Protestant reformers wanted to return as far as possible to the spirit of primitive Christianity and looked askance at the mystical tradition which seemed to have no warrant in Scripture .
9 The compilers of the catechism seemed to have no doubt that it was perfectly possible to define God and say precisely what he is .
10 This did not mean that they were wholly resistant to new ideas — that was clearly not the case because many spoke of the helpful advice and information given on the farming , nutrition , health and child care programmes — but they seemed to resist anything which either conflicted with views they already held or seemed to have no relevance to their experience .
11 Jesus seemed to have no respect for the livelihood of a Gentile pig farmer .
12 Moreover , he seemed to have no awareness of his limitations .
13 It was very hot and I worried that he might be overdoing it , but he seemed to be wonderfully adaptable , and the sudden transmogrification from desk-bound boffin to agricultural worker seemed to have no effect at all on his physical well-being .
14 Just as he had no ‘ side ’ so he seemed to have no possessiveness .
15 And Selvey 's summing-up was worthy of a high court judge : very frivolous , and most them marginal , but only five of the 34 wickets were leg-before and even those were of an apparently arbitrary nature : those given seemed to have no more merit than many that were not . ’
16 Of 34 patients followed throughout the year , only two seemed to have no response to the healing .
17 His arguments seemed to have no effect .
18 The Denhams ' garden seemed to have no walls , so thoroughly were its boundaries screened and disguised .
19 The decision to break was not taken in haste , but the culmination of years of little niggles which seemed to have no end in sight .
20 The next tunnel forked , turned left , turned right again , and other tunnels led off from it ; and Fand led them at an even pace along a course that seemed to have no sense .
21 It had been like this ever since she and Adam had escaped from Other world ; she seemed to have no strength left to decide anything .
22 A meeting of the Committee of the Rambling Club , an essay or a report to prepare for next day , some knotty maths problems that seemed to have no solution , a party in the Junior Common Room , notes from a lecture on particle physics which needed tidying up ( Dr Glib talked so fast ! ) .
23 The tall dark-faced man seemed to have no problem managing his robes , though his haste did n't do him much good .
24 And he seemed to have no purpose .
25 Someone else who seemed to have no difficulties keeping to schedule was Michael Stein — but then , as Stephen had begun to remark rather acidly , a major part of his job involved sitting on his arse under a convenient fan listening to the sound of his own voice .
26 He seemed to have no interest in doing anything .
27 When they had left , Julia wondered whether to say anything or not , but David seemed to have no such inhibitions .
28 The Marines had sent her off in a small wooden-bedded truck that seemed to have no springs or shock-absorbers whatsoever .
29 The first sign that something was happening came when the interminable drumming from the countryside began to break up into two distinct and separate cadences , one deep and threatening , the other a nerve-jangling collection of notes that seemed to have no coherent structure , but somehow managed to sound rhythmic .
30 His arguments seemed to have no effect .
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