Example sentences of "to give you [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er in order to do that I 've got to give you various reassurances .
2 You have that towards the , though I 've got to give you seventy , seventy five so shall I give it to you when I 've got the whole lot ?
3 Whoever wrote it or designed those basic garments knew that you would be struggling to learn all you could in the shortest possible time and that to give you concise diagrams and stitch and row numbers would cut down any need for extra calculations by you .
4 When you to this your are making use of internal muscles which can be strengthened by exercise to give you greater control .
5 Our sales staff are friendly , experienced people who are there to give you helpful advice .
6 To give you useful comparisons , every machine is tested according to the same criteria :
7 To give you useful comparisons , every machine is tested according to the same criteria :
8 And tomorrow we will try to give you that .
9 ‘ It was nice of him to give you that bracelet .
10 ‘ I did promise to give you that chance , ’ he admitted .
11 I mean , I knew from my own experience that carers were not getting the help , they were not getting the back-up , so any sort of really good telephone numbers I had laid my hands on got sort of written away in a wee book , and I was lucky enough to come across an association that actually backed up carers and actually were willing to sort of , put their life on the line and say to me , yes , you have got rights and you need support and we are here to give you that support .
12 Yes it 's gon na be doubled has n't it to give you that ?
13 If you wanted a thesaurus , you had to buy another program to give you that facility .
14 Yes and yeah we 'll have to give you that copy .
15 So I want to give you that positive feed-back .
16 Okay they might ask for a four week deferred period , but because of their occupation it says , or we say , sorry , we 're not going to give you that .
17 on Monday do n't , remind me to give you that er
18 I must say it 's a pleasure to give you that
19 so I 'm trying to give you that one .
20 When you go down to again get him to give you that one
21 it has to give you that effect I thought it was marvellous
22 ‘ I do not propose to argue with you , I propose to give you sixteen shillings and a halfpenny .
23 Your local ABTA travel agents are the HCI experts and in the best position to give you unbiased advice .
24 You might be able , for example , to persuade your employer to give you constructive help by engaging an out-placement counsellor to assist you in finding a new job .
25 I 'm not looking to give you constructive feedback on them , I 'm just looking to see what grade it gets so you go down and put it in a pigeon hole .
26 You can configure the colours you play with and even edit the tiles to give you other pictures to look at .
27 ‘ Your husband must be a very rich man to give you such a ring , ’ he said , turning it between his thumb and forefinger .
28 I am very sorry to give you such short notice about this .
29 The grid inside the pan is reversible to give you two cooking heights and there are special shelf extension runners to make it easier to replace the grill pan .
30 So it 's going to give you two Hs and two C Ls .
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