Example sentences of "to give [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After five years , Bessa Blue Chip has the option to require Barclays Bank to repurchase the properties at a high enough price to give shareholders 120p per share .
2 The Company is required by Section 376 to give shareholders notice of these resolutions .
3 THE Lord Chancellor , Lord Mackay , should ensure that judges can not thwart plans to give solicitors rights of audience in the higher courts in England and Wales by adopting the framework of Scottish proposals , the Law Society urged yesterday .
4 The finance committee has discretion to give clubs rates relief , but this is based only on income at the bar and other sources .
5 It all helps to give clients confidence and peace of mind when ordering print and design .
6 Our main aim in producing the magazine is to give readers inspiration and ideas for their homes and it 's heart-warming to hear of the success you 've had .
7 Newsround felt it was worthwhile to give readers information about the efforts that are being made by the Council to ensure its views on reform are known and presented as effectively as possible .
8 More likely the intention was to give brothers portions which provided equal incomes .
9 The unwary traveller could easily be perplexed by the names of shops in Japan , as it 's fashionable to give shops names in Japlish , with no regard — or with the wrong regard — to the word 's original English meaning .
11 It is this publication which gives them their force as a form of evaluation of schools , particularly as the intention of this part of the Act was to give parents information upon which to base their choice of school .
12 The RedMan suit may inspire shouts of ‘ RoboCop ’ , but it 's actually intended to give bobbies protection in potentially violence situations .
13 But Oldham boss Joe Royle is looking to strikers Graeme Sharp and £700,000 ex-Aston Villa man Ian Olney to give Rovers problems .
14 It was no longer , as one captain from a large fleet remarked to me , enough to give crews videos to watch and gymnasiums in which to work off steam while on board .
16 Half the programme will concentrate on modern teaching methods , but the other half aims to give participants opportunities to observe a range of aspects of British life .
17 ‘ Following Lord Keith 's 1983 review , the Government concluded that it would be wrong to give Customs discretion over the level of VAT penalties , ’ he said .
18 The effect of ending the rule will be to give retailers freedom to choose whether or not to charge the same , whether payment is made by credit card or cash . ’
19 He hopes to give relatives peace of mind while their loved ones rest in peace .
20 However , now councillors are being urged to give tenants permission to keep pets on a permanent basis , without having to apply annually.The matter will be discussed by the council 's housing services sub-committee on Tuesday.The meeting will be told the council 's pets policy had not run into any difficulties over the past two years .
21 Those polled in the survey were asked to give firms marks out of ten under each of nine headings and the scores added to produce business sector rankings , national leaders in each heading , and an overall Top Twenty .
22 This purported to give viewers colour and depth from a drunken double image viewed through red and blue specs .
23 One useful strategy is to give patients weekend leave on several occasions before discharge , encouraging them to discuss the difficulties that they have experienced on their return to the ward .
24 Rehabilitation is fostered by developing workshops at hospitals that aim to give patients confidence in their working ability and experience in social relationships and responsibility .
25 Hospital authorities go to tremendous trouble to give patients food they like and can cope with .
26 More recently , we have learned how to use electromagnetic fields to give particles energies of at first millions and then thousands of millions of electron volts .
27 including most notably Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) combine to give governors duties , responsibilities and powers far greater than any previously envisaged .
28 Excellent progress is being made with our plans , which are the subject of the Further and Higher Education Bill currently before Parliament , to give colleges independence from local authority control .
29 The National Curriculum 's aims — to give pupils knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes to equip them for the responsibilities and challenges of adult life and tomorrow 's world — will be widely supported .
30 Programs of this kind such as WORMS and DRAG are used to give pupils practice with addition or multiplication and often incorporate games into them .
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