Example sentences of "to give [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 All of these observations seem to fit with , and to give support to , the idea that perception is the result of the impact of the perceived objects on an appropriately tuned nervous system .
2 The GLC was not , in fact , the first council to give support to lesbian and gay projects .
3 The strategy decided by the GLC for lesbian and gay anti-discrimination work was to give support to existing groups and projects .
4 Issued to 144 Squadron ( becoming ‘ PL-K ’ ) at Leuchars , the unit trained-up and ferried out to Vaenga I in the USSR to give support to the convoy lifeline around the top of Norway .
5 Is there any sense of duty to give support to relatives in the outer circle of effective kin ?
6 For example , migrants from Pakistan — both women and men — appear to retain a strong sense of obligation to give support to all relatives within their biraderi ( sometimes spelled biradari ) which contains a wide range of kin and can represent a network of mutual aid extending across continents ( Anwar , 1985 ) .
7 For public health doctors to withdraw from or refuse to give support to the task at this critical moment would greatly endanger the specialty , as people without the necessary combination of medical and public health skills would attempt the job .
8 So you 're going to fold this around the elbow to give support to the arm and in this one you 're gon na fold first of all forward and then back , can you see that little neat envelope ?
9 A Monetary Co-operation Fund , to give support to weak currencies , was set up in April 1973 , but proved of limited value .
10 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
11 However , a study commissioned by FRES , the primary objective of which was to give support to these claims , made very clear that for certain categories of worker , particularly secretarial/keyboard staff in central London and computer staff , agency supplied labour was more expensive ( Rothwell/Mingard , 1985 ) .
12 The role of the non-disabled workers should be to allow the information to be passed on and to give support to people who want to develop skills and confidence to challenge the barriers they face .
13 We continue to give support to the United Nations Secretary-General 's efforts to promote a comprehensive , just and lasting settlement .
14 The Community Support Anti-waste Scheme ( CSAWS ) was set up in 1976 with the following aims : to promote the recycling of materials ; to give support to the government 's anti-waste programme ; to provide employment for a cross section of the community ; and to stimulate industrial , community and charitable organisations to participate in the collection and recycling of waste materials .
15 Its role has been ‘ to provide reassurance to the government , to give support to policies which BR wish to pursue , to provide briefing material for Department of Transport Ministers in argument and negotiations with ministerial colleagues , and to provide an atmosphere of professionalism and control over the business which governments — and the public — expect ’ ( Heath 1984 : 221 ) .
16 Will he take steps to ensure that buses have greater priority over other road users and to eliminate one of the major causes of road congestion in London — the long time that it takes to get passengers loaded on to one-man operated buses because drivers have to give change to passengers ?
17 Saddled with responsibility for all peasant obligations , the commune remained very reluctant to give permission to individual members to seek even temporary employment elsewhere so that the number of peasants siphoned off the land into the cities was restricted .
18 What empirical evidence is there that might persuade us to give credence to this sharp and absolute distinction ?
19 That 's Captain J.B.J. Noel — the 1922 and 1924 cameraman — talking to Blessed , and I 'm as willing to give credence to that as I am to Simon Fraser 's dream of Tilman 's end .
20 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
21 Even Maccoby and Jacklin ( 1974 ) use the sex difference they are most sure of , women 's lower aggression , to give credence to other , less well-established hypotheses of women 's lesser competitiveness and their liking for large groups .
22 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
23 The police , recognising Gerald Kaufman from the telly , seemed reluctant to give credence to his story .
24 Some 7,000 wanted criminals live in the tribal areas , protected by a code of honour which requires a Pashtun to give protection to anyone who seeks it .
25 However , Oliver LJ dissented partly on the ground that the principle of effective protection might require a national court to give protection to a European right even though a similar domestic right would be denied protection .
26 While narrowing the old section 2 , the act is unlikely to give protection to a " whistleblower " who felt that the public should be told certain information as any defence depends on disclosure being considered to be in the public interest and that would still seem to mean " the interests of the state according to its recognised organs of government and the policies expounded by the particular government of the day " per McCowan I. in Ponting 's case .
27 Wrap-around enclosures made from conservation boxboard to give protection to items awaiting treatment are also made in the Perspex Workshop .
28 There Millett J having held that the part of a non-solicitation clause which gave protection to the plaintiff was valid but that the part which sought to give protection to an associated company of the plaintiff was invalid had then to decide whether the invalid part could be severed or whether the whole clause was invalid .
29 No , no , no , I see that , I have erm , Soviet was an ex-commons before , and I know , follow the Soviet history , so in a sense , I think is a very important to give protection to the population , to , to , er to the Russian population , the Polish population and the Baltic .
30 We aim to continue to expand the magazine , provide more opportunities to our members , continue to give exposure to the work of women artists and to lobby at every opportunity to enable equality to exist within all the professional levels of the art world today .
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