Example sentences of "to give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 On the last day of that term , my final-year class all came up to my office to give me a ‘ thank-you ’ present .
2 ‘ You 're just in time to give me a hand . ’
3 ‘ You 're just in time to give me a hand . ’
4 I recently had a liver transplant at Addenbrooke 's Hospital and still feel guilty that inevitably the decision was made to give me a liver rather than someone else whose life expectancy may have been marginally longer .
5 But it was not enough to give me a complex , not as it would have been in America .
6 In his usual way , as soon as the film started , George begin to give me a run down on the technical assets I might otherwise be missing .
7 That they were n't having to give me a testimonial , which I would be entitled to soon , and were making a profit on my sale . ’
8 If the Ashford Castle Hotel now wish to give me a free suite in return for this publicity , I shall not demur .
9 ‘ Rainey put in some fast laps during the final stages of qualifying , so I was expecting him to give me a tough time , ’ said Doohan .
10 ‘ If you were to give me a ha'penny I might tell you different ’
11 ‘ Well , you 'll have to give me a few minutes to get myself ready .
12 Once when I was in design and technology class , I asked him to give me a screw and he said , ‘ See me after school and I 'll give you one . ’
13 If you had n't stopped to give me a lift this morning , I 'd still be shuffling along the road to Tangiers . ’
14 He used to send me postcards from abroad and he popped in when ‘ Bizarro ’ was released to give me a copy , ’ says Graham Williams , the journalist who wrote the paper 's weekly pop column .
15 ‘ She was going off for short stays at the Home , and then every weekend to give me a break .
16 ‘ He 's going to have a short stay in a Home soon to give me a break .
17 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
18 I shall never forget the kindness of the many people who took it in turns to give me a lift , so that I did n't have to drive there and back .
19 He even invited us round to the house one night , to give me a loan of a book on the Gothic Imagination .
20 . Is it possible for you to give me a few more names — of some people who are working in that field ? ’
21 At Heathrow Wendy Hoyte was being met by her husband Les and they were going to give me a lift back into London .
22 ‘ If you want to give me a ‘ producer ’ , ’ I went on , ‘ then give me one .
23 Frank wanted David to give me a down-sweep with the baton , but as anyone can observe , when I am in full flight I 'm really running high , and this presented David with a problem as he is quite a short fellow .
24 With an air of great condescension he told me that he was ‘ prepared to give me a try-out ’ for a few hours a week .
25 And my pounding heart served to give me a feeling of impending doom .
26 He said he 'd noticed that our Mini was getting a bit down at heel , and in the light of Ken 's injuries he thought the least he could do was to give me a better means of transport .
27 ‘ When th 've had th'drink and polished off those breakfast dishes , Mrs Salt says to give me a hand . ’
28 ‘ She used to give me a piece of the dough when she was making pastry .
29 Reminds me of my first branch chair , an ex-miner , who used to give me a lift home in his Jag .
30 Hester was pleased to see me , to give me a meal .
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