Example sentences of "decision [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Established internationals Gord MacKinnon and Pat Palmer represented the national team squad at the CRU 's recent three day planning meeting in Vancouver and were most supportive of a decision to implement fitness testing for all the country 's top players as an ongoing requirement .
2 For that end , for that end , you people over there , who took a decision to implement Local Management at the earliest possible time , regardless of the state of preparation of each particular school , regardless of the resources of staff and equipment and , if that was not enough , you also introduced a cut of thirteen million pounds in education funding .
3 While Nielsen 's decision to miss England 's bronze-medal victory over the CIS on Tuesday did little to impress his team-mates , the Surrey player reaped the benefits with two straight-games wins .
4 This attack will re-awaken criticism over the army 's decision to issue service personnel with UK civilian style number plates ; a scheme intended to offer extra protection , but which critics claimed would lead to civilian casualties .
5 The decision to support Iraq 's candidature for the League of Nations in 1932 had been taken before Humphrys 's arrival , but some misgivings were expressed about the lack of any guarantees for the Assyrian and Kurdish minorities after the transition to independence .
6 Her family is convinced Mandy 's weight problems started when she started taking the contraceptive pill at 14 after the Rolling Stone seduced her in a Paris hotel.They stayed silent for eight years but were angered this week by 56-year-old Bill 's decision to go public .
7 The decision to go north found the duke short of money and he wrote to Sir John Say for a loan of £100 to tide him over .
8 The decision to go north found the duke short of money and he wrote to Sir John Say for a loan of £100 to tide him over .
9 The decision to go chapter 11 was made on the 21st of May — the company 's 10th birthday .
10 It has been suggested that the decision to go east of London to Stratford will be detrimental to people in the north .
11 Technical advance requires a deliberate decision to invest capital , not infrequently scarce in family farms , while a cautious approach to borrowing is widespread .
12 Clearly they failed to bring about disarmament , though they may have had a contributory effect on the decision to suspend tests in 1958 and later on the partial test ban treaty .
13 On June 11 Zaki described the first round of talks as " constructive " and denied that Pakistan was seeking to reverse the administration 's decision to suspend aid .
14 A spokesman at the state department meanwhile urged a swift reversal of the UNHCR decision to suspend aid .
15 Estate agents say they are concerned by the Government 's decision to reintroduce stamp duty on new houses from August the nineteenth saying it will harm an already fragile market
16 The decision to conduct debate on the war in closed session was taken by a majority vote on Feb. 13 on the proposal of the UK .
17 It requires a conscious policy decision to treat Community law as part and parcel of the legal framework in which day-to-day legal advice is offered to business clients .
18 The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major 's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession .
19 The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major 's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession .
20 The decision to continue Doctor Who for a second year-round season brought matters to a head between the Production Office and its two Designers .
21 The decision to continue collaboration after 1918 can only be understood through the actual events of that year .
22 The secret decision to continue production was teken by the President after several options had been presented to him by the Pentagon and the State Department .
23 It did , however , incorporate a decision to promote jute as an environment-friendly product because of its biodegradable qualities .
24 Tesco 's technical director Dr Richard Pugh has been chosen for his decision to promote quality food and healthy eating in all of its stores .
25 They welcomed US President Bush 's recent decision to cancel development of new tactical nuclear missiles ( the follow-on to the Lance programme ) and artillery for deployment in Europe , but did not reach agreement on the withdrawal of existing nuclear artillery or short-range missiles before talks with the Soviet Union began .
26 The Far Eastern Economic Review of April 9 reported that although the decision to cancel Netherlands aid had been taken by President Suharto , it was widely supported by the government and bureaucracy .
27 In the present difficult financial situation , SERC has regretfully taken the decision to cancel EASE 91 conference and exhibition which was to be held at the University of Birmingham on the 25th–27th March 1991 .
28 It is not surprising that McNamara received a cool reception from Peter Thorneycroft , who had succeeded Harold Watkinson as Minister of Defence in Macmillan 's new cabinet , when he arrived in London on 11 December to explain the reasoning behind the decision to cancel Skybolt .
29 Sport now , and the major talking point at Oxford Stadium today has been the Oxford City Council decision to agree planning permission for the stadium to extend their grandstand leisure complex .
30 The ESA also made the decision to include Farnborough into that year 's competition series ( which was organised solely by Shane Rouse , who did this up until 1986 ) .
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