Example sentences of "left for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As in the case of learning theories , it is the compelling , determining influence of the individual 's environmental experience that provides the link with positivism ( though in the case of invention some room is still left for internal , cognitive processes in arriving at the solution ) .
2 Given the scarcity of research and the potential for teachers of collecting data in their own classrooms , trainee teachers can be introduced to research procedures in initial training although a more thorough approach has to be left for in-service work due to inevitable constraints on time .
3 But the Champenois were not unprepared : many houses were able to seal up their cellars ; those wishing to escape German occupation left for southern France , while others remained organising themselves into an effective network of resistance , the extent of which was unknown even to most Champenois .
4 Since the Danish Government does not intend to had another referendum before the summer of 1993 , there is at the moment of writing some time left for cool deliberation by parliamentarians as well as by the public they serve .
5 After the warrants are issued , about $1,100m of the registration should be left for future securities offerings .
6 Moreover , the fact that Parliament by the Act of 1976 deliberately refrained from legislating for cases such as these , where the child was born before the enactment of the Act of 1976 , does not in any way support the view that these cases should be left for future legislation .
7 Conflicts of interest on the other hand ‘ are almost entirely left for civil sanctions ’ .
8 He was just checking that I had n't left for good , was glad that I had n't , and was that real coffee he could smell ?
9 It 's very interesting to note that in contemporary political philosophy there is almost no room left for democratic decision making because in most theories that we 're given , more or less everything is already decided at a constitutional level I mean think of theory of justice , it 's the theory of justice that decides the basic nature of a constitution so the role of members of a government is simply to interpret and apply the constitution so they can make the most efficient tax policies given the basic constitution , but no individual has the authority to challenge that constitution and change it by democratic means .
10 We had met in South Africa ( where he had been born ) , had left for political reasons , and had decided to make our home in Edinburgh .
11 On March 21 it was announced that members of the armed forces who had left for political reasons after June 1978 were to be reinstated .
12 Fears focused on the £50 billion borrowing requirement for 1993-94 and the narrowness of the window the Chancellor has left for economic recovery in the next 12 months before he begins tightening the tax screw in earnest .
13 It will take up room on the stairs , so remember that the space left for other people using the stairs will be less .
14 Social services director John Ransford , who is also ADSS secretary , says there is less money left for other services .
15 All the enterprising , healthy people have left for other planets on which the replicants are slaves and soldiers ( they are not wanted or permitted on Earth , with the doubtful exception of Rachael ) .
16 ( 188 ) can be compared with ( 154 ) — ( 156 ) above : make evokes the production of an effect for which the " maker " is wholly responsible , there being no other factor but the behaviour of the agent " you " involved in bringing about this effect ( contrast ( 182 ) in this respect , where room is left for other factors to intervene ) .
17 From that time which here and elsewhere has been vaguely defined as the dawn of civilisation , to the time when the need to have a ‘ god ’ had reached the point where traces of its implementation were left for modern man to find , must have been many thousands of years .
18 The debris , dead foliage , branches and twigs were simply thrown onto the roadway and left for passing traffic and public-spirited citizens to remove .
19 Baits need to be anchored well on the bottom and left for long periods and leger tactics are more likely to succeed than the float .
20 He was almost blue with cold , having had to scramble up an iceberg , loaded with a hundred pounds of scuba gear , and then left for long minutes all by himself .
21 Perhaps , if left for long enough girls may kill one another also , but it would have taken a far longer time to happen .
22 One problem which such an approach may pose is that there may be nothing left for special treatment .
23 Sometimes the thread was misery , sometimes the black joy of an earth , blasted and left for dead , that went on labouring in darkness to renew itself .
24 A man on his way to Jericho was attacked , robbed and left for dead .
25 SEVKI AKINCI : a 16-year old Kurdish boy , on 9 April 1992 he beaten and abused by soldiers , held down over an open fire , and then left for dead .
26 In one case there were two 13-year-old girls , who had been sexually assaulted and left for dead .
27 Standing at a safe distance , my eyeballs popped at the sight of the rich variety of penises on show , ranging as they did from dainty chipolatas to Bowyer 's jumbo sausages , with a few unfortunate specimens doing impersonations of mummified button mushrooms left for dead at the bottom of a refrigerator .
28 From a lonely boyhood to being left for dead in some alley , he had never looked to others for strength .
29 Left for dead , the body was carried into the monastery by the monks and laid in a tent outside the church , but after midnight Eardwulf was found in the church alive .
30 She was probably left for dead by her attacker after he had violated her .
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