Example sentences of "held under [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , your money is at risk , particularly when there is a thin market in shares , or where your shares are held under a nominee name for the convenience of your licensed dealer .
2 If the shares are held under a nominee name , the client will not get certificates at all .
3 In brief , the actual Westminster model is that of authoritarian single-party governments in a House of Commons dominated by the Prime Minister and composed largely of disciplined parties with most votes in the House of Commons being highly predictable ; every three or four years there is a general election held under a crude simple majority electoral system with minimal participation by the electorate in the choice of who shall be their candidate , though they do have the choice between the candidates who are selected by the party activists ; between 20% , and 30% of the electorate do not vote at all .
4 On July 8 an estimated 56.6 per cent of the 3,00,000 people eligible to vote participated in Chad 's first general election since 1962 , held under a new Constitution approved in december 1989 [ see p. 37114 ] .
5 Future elections are to be held under a proportional representation system .
6 Turnout was estimated as some 60 per cent in the elections , the first to be held under a new electoral law [ see pp. 37274 ; 37707 ] and using a new voter roll which increased the total electorate to some 36,000,000 eligible voters .
7 Under the reform , elections would be held under a system of proportional representation , with officials re-electable for four-year periods but unable to occupy several positions at the various levels of local and regional government at the same time .
8 The terms for both the constituent assembly and the interim cabinet would be a maximum of 12 months , after which election would be held under a new constitution .
9 Some of those arrested were released last night , but most were believed to be still in custody at RUC interrogation centres in Belfast and Armagh , held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act , the Official Secrets Act and common law .
10 The talks would be held under the auspices of the UN International Commission for Support and Verification ( CIAV ) , perhaps in the context of an international conference attended by the secretary-generals of the UN and the Organisation of American States .
11 The talks would be held under the auspices of the UN International Commission for Support and Verification ( CIAV ) , perhaps in the context of an international conference attended by the secretary-generals of the UN and the Organisation of American States .
12 The couple , arrested after a lengthy intelligence operation , are being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
13 The couple , who were arrested on Monday night in a raid on a bungalow in west London and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act , will both appear before magistrates at Arbour Square today .
14 In 799 the Franks took the Balearic Islands , which faced repeated attacks from Saracen fleets , but were held under the government of the Counts of Genoa and Tuscany .
15 All dog shows where championship points are awarded are held under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club , who are responsible for providing qualified judges , keeping records of points and a register of pure-bred dogs .
16 But the real decisions will come in June , at one of a series of meetings held under the auspices of the World Administrative Radio Conference .
17 The first meeting of the committee received a resolution from a conference held under the auspices of the society and the Canning Town branch of the guild which rejoiced in the wider powers given under the act , and urged the council to ‘ take steps to exercise any , or all of the powers given , and especially that steps be taken as soon as possible to establish a creche or day nursery in the southern part of the borough ’ ( Maternity and Child Welfare Committee Minutes 20 November 18 ) .
18 It has been held under the drink/driving law that the object of requiring the officer to be ‘ in uniform ’ was to ensure that the constable would be easily recognised as such by the public .
19 It was held under the previous law that a police officer could be the ‘ other ’ person .
20 On reaching the box , he would take off his helmet and put it over one arm , while his tuck-box was held under the other .
21 Three other men arrested later are still being held under the PTA at central London police stations .
22 A COUPLE held under the Official Secrets Act were still being quizzed by Special Branch detectives last night .
23 The two General or World Anti-Slavery Conventions of 1840 and 1843 , held under the aegis of the BFASS in London , tried to influence the British government on some questions of policy .
24 Elections would then be held under the new law ; the new parliament would gather to adopt the rest of the constitution .
25 In appropriate cases , service on a United States parent may be held under the doctrine to be service on the foreign subsidiary .
26 Thus for practical reasons it has sometimes been found expedient for projects initiated by Unidroit to reach fruition at a Diplomatic Conference held under the aegis of UNCITRAL .
27 The occasion for this article was an inaugural meeting in June 1927 of the International Council of English , held under the auspices of the Royal Society of Literature , and involving both American and British scholars .
28 The 1954 election was held under the same franchise as before ( giving the vote to about half the adult population ) but this time the whole country was divided into 104 single-member constituencies .
29 Although the term might seem naturally to denote prior arrangement , it was held under the previous law that the word is ‘ not a term of art ’ and that a person can organise spontaneously by giving directions on the spot as to such matters as the route to ken , when to stop and when to advance and so forth .
30 The information held under the data class of warning signals is intended to indicate individuals who may possess firearms , may possess weapons , may resort to violent behaviour , may attempt to escape , may suffer from mental disorder , may possess explosives , may make false allegations against the police , may be a hazard to others as a carrier of contagious diseases ( e.g. , hepatitis ) ’ —
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