Example sentences of "held out to " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we could all be a lot more tolerant of ourselves for sometimes longing to be beautiful if we considered for how many years of our lives this had been held out to us as an ideal .
2 Gordon Woodroffe , a zoologist who has studied the water voles of the North York Moors , does not consider that the mink is the total rogue it is held out to be in some quarters , but it certainly appears to have caused the vole 's extinction on the Moors .
3 Her hands were held out to the sides , circling supplely , fingers gesturing elegantly .
4 He was invited to London and all sorts of treats were held out to him as to how he would be entertained on such a visit , trips to the theatre and concerts , a specially organized tour of ‘ Swinging London ’ , Carnaby Street , the King 's Road and so on .
5 She said that while the carrot of jobs was being held out to the local community , local people would only be used for the most menial of tasks .
6 ‘ The other hand : held out to your Brother . ’
7 The document states that Richard Walter Jenkins shall ‘ absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the surname of the parent and shall bear the surname of the adopter and shall be held out to the world and in all respects treated as if he were in fact the child of the adopter ’ .
8 As the beetle lumbers into the air , the stiff wing covers are usually held out to the side , a posture that inevitably hampers efficient flight .
9 According to Walter Map this was his mother 's teaching : he should keep aspirants waiting in hope , she said , deliberately spinning out their affairs , for an unruly hawk , if meat is held out to it and then snatched away or hid , will become keener and more inclined to be attentive and obedient .
10 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
11 " Hello , " she said , and from his own eyes , hers flickered down to where her hand was held out to him .
12 Section 120(3) makes it an offence for a promoter or participant to receive any payment or the benefit of any payments which some other participant is induced to make by reason that the prospect is held out to him of receiving payments or other benefits for introducing other persons into the scheme .
13 To resolve a doubt as to whether employed solicitors not being held out to be solicitors by their employers were required to hold practising certificates , s1A was added by s85 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 in the following terms : 1A .
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