Example sentences of "held on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The list from which they are selected is held on a small computer on the second floor of the drab grey Cabinet Office building in Whitehall .
2 Almost all previous contact with the Board had been through courses of one or two days duration — mostly held on a trainee 's farm ( but also at local education colleges in England and Wales ) , with up to 70% of the time being spent on trainee participation and practice .
3 ‘ Softer ’ data were , however , gathered : interviews were held on a small number of cases , and a single case-example was further explored through the use of a vignette based on an actual case from another area , a technique which may be further developed in future work .
4 In the first study we were able to show that clients treated in either mode were significantly less depressed at the end of treatment than those held on a waiting list for the same length of time ( Scott and Stradling , 1990 ) , and that this reduction in symptoms was maintained for up to 12 months post treatment — see Figure 3 .
5 Free activities : Open air brass band concerts are very popular and are held on a regular basis .
6 Select reference books and other information materials , eg in classroom collections or the school library or held on a computer , and use organisational devices , eg chapter titles , subheadings , typeface , symbol keys , to find answers to their own questions .
7 17 Throughout our work we were acutely aware of the differing opinions that are held on a number of issues that lie at the heart of the English curriculum and its teaching .
8 The rock-climber is held on a rope by clipping himself on to a harness thingy ( if you 've come to this book for technical information , boy are you going to be disappointed ) that straps round his thighs and crotch , so as a quick guide to who the climbers are in the pub , just watch for those who seem to be constantly fiddling around in their genital area .
9 During my first year at the Boys ' School in 1922 , Bonfire Night was held on a Saturday ; November 5th falling on a Sunday that year .
10 This was toast which was held on a toasting fork and was pressed against the bars so that the bread was scorched , it was then quickly turned ninety degrees so that it finished up with a grid pattern rather like a leaded window .
11 It also covers data held manually which can be identified using a code held on a computer .
12 The initial examination of the requirement was based on the categories derived in the earlier analysis , which produced some tentative conclusions about the type of records that could be held on a computer , and the potential advantages that could be gained .
13 Last month , the home secretary , William Whitelaw , revealed that fully-automated computer terminals at Heathrow , which will read the new MRPs , could be linked to a list of suspects held on a computer .
14 These are buildings held on a list now compiled by the Heritage Sponsorship Division of the Department of the Environment for the Secretary of State as being of ‘ special , historic or architectural interest ’ .
15 They used to hold Hury Show in a field alongside the pub , and there was a wooden hut called the Show Room to be used on the big day , where dances were also held on a regular basis .
16 The race is held on a Sunday , but people travel to the village on the Saturday or even the Friday .
17 Then a party may be held on a different day , so there is a double celebration .
18 Apart from the physical aspects , if premises are held on a lease there are legal implications , too .
19 Suddenly he saw two young women and a dog , a black pug , held on a lead .
20 Courses operating in this way tend to be held on a system of day release or modules which include actual shifts in wards or departments .
21 A certain amount of ill-feeling was aroused when an inquest was held on a patient who had died after transfer from the County Hospital to St. Peter 's .
22 The services will be integrated through a single customer database that will provide a comprehensive view of psychographic , syncographic , demographic and order history data , all to be held on a KSR1 running Oracle7 at Neodata 's Boulder , Colorado database marketing arm .
23 The services will be integrated through a single customer database that will provide a comprehensive view of psychographic , syncographic , demographic and order history data , all to be held on a KSR1 running Oracle7 at Neodata 's Boulder , Colorado database marketing arm .
24 The SDS needs only a networked 386SX with a 40Mb hard disk — most of the ODT files are held on a server .
25 It 's appropriate to end this review of cricketing Olympians with Australia , for the Australians staged the only Olympics to be held on a first-class cricket ground .
26 In fact , the A11 stretch at Red Lodge , near Mildenhall , was so busy , the official opening had to be held on a temporarily-closed slip road .
27 However it just so happens the last time an election was n't on a Thursday was in er I think it was nineteen thirty one when it was held on a Tuesday .
28 Almost every man is accompanied by a goat or a cow , held on a short leather thong or controlled by a thin stick .
29 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was a requirement of all leases and tenancy agreements that the term created was of certain duration ; that the lease purportedly created under the memorandum of agreement , being for an uncertain period , was void and the land was held on a yearly tenancy created by virtue of the tenant 's possession and payment of yearly rent , on such terms of the memorandum of agreement as were consistent with a yearly tenancy ; and that , accordingly , since the term preventing the landlord from determining the tenancy until the land was required for road widening purposes was inconsistent with the right of either party under a yearly tenancy to determine it on six months ' notice , the plaintiffs ' tenancy had been lawfully determined ( post , pp. 283B–C , F–G , 284G–H , 285E–F , 286E–F , H — 287B , G–H ) .
30 This file will be very small and , if indexed , it will usually match the access speed of a larger direct file because it can be held on a single cylinder of disk , with its index in main storage .
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