Example sentences of "held in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus with the aileron and rudder held in a central position , a glider will always weathercock into line with the relative airflow , just as the wind vane on a church steeple will always swing into the wind .
2 Their interests in the company are held in a family trust .
3 A 60th at full bore is a bit dicey with a 500mm lens hand held in a stagnant bog .
4 13 Platoon had subsequently been tasked with providing the security for the funeral , which was to be held in a small village near Strabane .
5 A later development introduced a press to compress the hops in each pocket which was held in a pocket sling .
6 If our English binge had been held in a medieval university we should have had , mixed with the bawdy songs , tragical and even devotional pieces , equally authorless and handed on from mouth to mouth in the same way , with the same individual variations . ’
7 After the ceremony , the newly-weds cycled the eight miles back to the reception ( held in a friend 's garden ) on their tandem .
8 The reception , complete with Thai barbecue , was held in a marquee in the back garden of their south London home , and the newly-weds jetted off for a honeymoon in New York .
9 It is held in a double-skinned tank which is filled with hot water to raise the temperature of the milk .
10 The sale was to be held in a large country house some eight miles away .
11 Every leaf and twig and trail of creeper was held in a radiant harmony , at peace with all else , trilling like blackbirds .
12 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
13 We can imagine the formation of such a chemical bond as requiring that a spring be compressed to bring the substances close to one another , at which point they are held together by a catch , as the jack is held in a jack-in-the-box .
14 As the last concert was held in a field in a howling wind , my grandfather sang one of his favourite Burns songs ; O' aa the Airts the Wind can Blaw .
15 The Congress , held in a factory , condemned the invasion .
16 ‘ Swainmotes ’ or ‘ swanimotes ’ were held in a number of southern forests — in Melchet , Melksham and Pewsham , Gillingham , Bernwood and Waltham , and in Windsor forest in Berkshire and in Surrey .
17 This form of government stock can be , if held directly , ‘ as safe as the Bank of England ’ — although that certainty disappears if the gilts are not sold before maturity or held in a managed fund .
18 Ticketing in Britain — held in a venture encompassing Keith Prowse , First Call and Wembley Stadium Box Office — was not profitable .
19 Mr Anthony Hamnett , 48 , a trainee solicitor at the time with Nabarro Nathanson , admitted eating the penis under pressure from secretaries during the lunch held in a Chelsea restaurant just before Christmas 1990 .
20 They also earned £112,000 from dividends and interest held in a trust operated on their behalf by independent investment advisers .
21 He was trapped in his body , as surely as a crashed motorist could be held in a wrecked car by a locked seat belt .
22 I do remember , however , attending a Christmas Review in 1942 which was held in a hall near the Park .
23 Within living cells , it is held in a three-dimensional network of proteins to form the sponge-like cytoplasm , and this in turn is enclosed in a flexible protein-fat membrane .
24 The rear channels are held in a similar way , but the shiny rail on which the window locks run needs removing as this holds the channel in as well .
25 The red light that shines out from high up in the nave roofing indicates the position of a True Nail held in a glass reliquary at the centre of a crucifix .
26 Sometimes it is all held in a single incident .
27 Sea-urchin gastrula held in a nylon net
28 One evening at Pack Meeting Beegee , which was the name the Pack had made up for their Guider out of the initial letters B and G of Brownie Guider , told the Brownies that the County Girl Guides ' Fete was to be held in a few weeks ' time in Morley Park and that the 3rd Shortfields Pack must think what to do to help make the fete a huge success .
29 After some time Mr Lisk moved to another part of the country and the services were held in a stable lent by a Mr Gardiner , an innkeeper , and in the house of a Mr Richard Atkinson .
30 One of the most impressive series of open-air meetings was held in a field belonging to Mr Shillington , the site of the present Thomas Street church .
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