Example sentences of "held not to " in BNC.

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1 In such a case an adult might be held liable either for breach of his contract to use proper care or for a wrong independent of the contract ; an infant has been held not to be liable at all .
2 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
3 It was … contended that … if the person had become philosophically or psychologically or socially female , that person should be held not to be a man for the purposes of ( section 30 , inter alia ) .
4 A tow chain has been held not to be a ‘ part ’ ( Jenkins v Deane ( 1933 ) , 103 LJKB 250 ) but a tow bar connecting a vehicle and a trailer together has been held to come within the regulation where the joining was defective ( O'Neill v Brown 119611 1 QB 420 ) ,
5 Carrying a knife on the offchance of being attacked , and weapons carried by dance hall security guards have been held not to be a reasonable excuse .
6 However , on the facts the plaintiff failed to establish a breach of such duty to take care and E. Lacon & Co. were held not to be liable to the plaintiff .
7 The Act of 1988 should also be held not to be discriminatory .
8 ’ William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King ( 1909 ) 101 L.T. 741 is a further case where a claimant was held not to be entitled to recover payments which were not legally due .
9 203 , the corporation , having for a number of years paid purchase tax on manufactured stationery , erroneously believing it to be due , sought to recover it when it was held not to be chargeable .
10 Counsel were able to refer to three cases only in which the source of profits had been held not to be in the principal place of business of the taxpayer .
11 In Tynan v. Balmerls ( 1966 ) forty pickets in a continuous circle around a factory ( which had the effect of sealing off the highway ) were held not to be legalized by the Act of 1906 because their action was a nuisance at common law and an unreasonable use of the highway .
12 Where a rating authority had a statutory power , but no duty , to refund rates overpaid by mistake , the House of Lords granted judicial review and ordered repayment where the reasons given by the authority for its refusal to repay were held not to be valid .
13 The position of a shareholder in a brewer 's business was discussed in Braithwaite 's Trs. v. Linlithgow Justices ( Scotsman , January 27 , 1909 ) , and he was held not to be a partner for the purposes of a similar provision .
14 A trustee in a sequestrated estate , part of which consisted of a public house business , who did not himself hold the certificate or retail excisable liquor , was held not to be disqualified under the corresponding provision then in force : Lundie v. Magistrates of Falkirk ( 1890 ) 18 R. 60 .
15 A magistrate , who was ex officio one of the trustees of a public library , was held not to be disqualified from trying a charge , at the instance of the burgh prosecutor , of wilful and malicious damage to the cushion of a seat in the library : Wildridge v. Anderson ( supra ) .
16 A magistrate , who , as a member of a licensing court and court of appeal , had taken part in a decision to grant no certificates for the sale of spirits within the burgh , was held not to be thereby disqualified from trying one of the applicants affected by the decision for trafficking in spirits without a certificate : Gorman v. Wright , 1916 S.C .
17 A lady who lived in family with her father , whose housekeeper she was , in the house which he owned and occupied , was held not to be an occupier for the purposes of the corresponding provision of the 1959 Act , s.36 , and to have no title to object to an application .
18 The question of who is an " occupant " is discussed in Paterson v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 37 , where a new manager who applied for a permanent transfer of an off sale licence was held not to be an " occupant " where he had no interest in the premises other than as an employee .
19 In Cigaro ( Glasgow ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1983 S.L.T. 549 it was held not to be a breach of natural justice to hear only submissions and not to allow evidence to be led , where this was the practice of the licensing board .
20 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
21 Some of these regulations may not promote efficiency but be justified on paternalistic grounds : workers are held not to be the best judges of their own interests and so are prevented by law from taking risks they would voluntarily undertake for money .
22 Hence the expression ‘ fair average quality for the season ’ was held not to be part of the contract description , since it did not ‘ identify ’ the goods sold .
23 Before the Act a hut that was bolted onto a concrete base was held not to be part of the land whereas the concrete base , obiter , was .
24 It was so held in , among other cases , JCC ( A Minor ) v Eisenhower [ 1984 ] QB 331 ( DC ) , where a ruptured blood vessel was held not to be a wound .
25 On the other hand , where a landlord was entitled to determine a lease for " building sites or planting or other purposes " , he was held not to be entitled to determine it for the purpose of constructing a sports stadium ( Coates v Diment [ 1951 ] 1 All ER 890 ) .
26 A dispute about a cheque was referred to counsel in Boyd v Emmerson ( 1834 ) 2 AD & E 183 , and was held not to be an arbitration .
27 The pursuance of damages through car hire schemes was held not to be champertous by the House of Lords in Sanders v Templar ( Times Law Reports , 13 January 1993 ) and an increasing percentage of personal injury claims relating to motor accidents will come through this source in the future .
28 Death has been held not to be an associated operation ( Bambridge v IRC ( 1955 ) 36 TC 313 ) .
29 Similarly , the stamp may obscure other provisions ; if this is the case , they may be held not to be incorporated ( Richardson , Spence & Co v Rowntree [ 1894 ] AC 217 ; Sugar v London Midland and Scottish Railway [ 1941 ] 1 All ER 172 ) .
30 However , it will presumably be rare that a business can be held not to be acting in the course of business if it sells goods on its standard terms .
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