Example sentences of "held [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A call for papers and programme proposals has been issued by the School of Communication in Miami , USA for its ninth annual Intercultural and International Communication Conference , to be held 19–21 May 1992 .
2 Review workshops will be held 5–6 months after the programme to evaluate progress in the workplace , offering individual consultancy and assistance with implementation of Personal Action Plans .
3 I had someone come to see me the other week from the R S P C A because they said this cat was held forty foot in the air
4 However , the Committee were unable to progress beyond the ninth paragraph at that meeting , and another meeting was held six days later to complete the report .
5 Held 2–8 March , the fair enjoyed twice as much space in its new premises , the Grand Palais , as it had done in its former venue , the basement of the Hotel George V. Still an all-French affair despite the eagerness of foreign galleries to get in , this year 's Salon was the first to include nine contemporary dealers , including Gerald Piltzer who made a last minute decision to join in .
6 They are encouraged to speak up at the regular meetings for care assistants , which are held three times a week .
7 The meetings , which are chaired by Dr Alan Marchbank , ( the Library 's Director of Public Services who has overall responsibility for Lending Services ) , are held three times each year , in February , June and October .
8 Third , he exercised jurisdiction over the pagenses ( the " men of the pagus " or county ) : replicating the assemblies of the realm at local level were the county assemblies which were supposed to be held three times every year , and met either in the civitates or elsewhere in the county .
9 On June 16 , Reginald Bartholomew , US Under-Secretary of State for International Security Affairs , had held three days of talks in Beijing on controlling Chinese sales of ballistic missiles to Pakistan , Iran and Syria , which he linked with the renewal of MFN status .
10 Since then , he has held three Cabinet slots and the boss 's chair .
11 Summons hearings are held fortnightly , and committal cases are held three weeks out of four .
12 ‘ Tuning in the Audience ’ is the theme for the 1991 conference of WACC 's North American Broadcast Section ( NABS-WACC ) to be held 2–6 December in Florida , USA .
13 Art enthusiasts will be able to see the work of Jan Künster at this year 's International Dressage Meeting at Goodwood , to be held 1–3 May .
14 Seat Reservations ( held 5 days or up to 24 hours before performance ) .
15 A ‘ Consultation on Communication in Theological Education ’ will be held 21–23 February 1992 at Yale Divinity School , USA .
16 In 1166 Peter 's great-grandfather , Thurstin de Montfort II , had held ten fees from the earl of Warwick , making him the second greatest of his tenants .
17 Surrey members congratulate Chris Jones on her display-item for the Reunion — this was her first production ; fresh team auditions will be held 29 April .
18 A multimedia complex on one of Thailand 's most beautiful campuses , Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University ( STOU ) , is the location for the International Conference on Women Empowering Communication , which will be held 12–17 February 1994 .
19 A multimedia complex on one of Thailand 's most beautiful campuses , Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University ( STOU ) , is the location for the International Conference on Women Empowering Communication , which will be held 12–17 February 1994 .
20 To win a seat on the first round in the constituency elections , a candidate would need an overall majority in a turnout of at least 50 pere cent ; if this was not achieved , a run-off vote would be held one week later .
21 A Northfield spokesman said : ‘ We have held one ship which was scheduled to unload until we are sure that everything is quiet . ’
22 The three remaining seats were won by members of the opposition alliance of the Mauritius Labour Party ( MLP ) and the Parti Mauricien Social-Démocrate ( PMSD ) who had held 13 seats at sissolution ; one of the successful opposition candidates was the alliance and MLP leader , Navin Ramgoolam .
23 The rapidity with which the CNAA sought to respond to the demand for business studies courses can be judged by the fact that the Business Studies Board , which began to meet in March 1965 , had held five meetings by July .
24 The idea of a referendum had been supported by a petition with 516,000 signatures ; any such referendum would have to be held five months before the elections , planned for June 1992 .
25 Badran 's resignation was reportedly precipitated by royal disapproval of his sympathy for the fundamentalist Moslem Brotherhood , whose members had held five seats in his government [ see p. 37976 ] .
26 Since its foundation it has held nine biennial congresses and one special general meeting in various parts of the United Kingdom , at which papers on various subjects relating to the deaf and dumb have been read and discussed , and resolutions passed .
27 On March 7 , the Angolan Foreign Minister , Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem " Loy " , said in Germany that the MPLA-PT would study a US proposal for elections to be held 15 months after a ceasefire .
28 Every chassemarée would have easily held 60 men and the landing would have taken about the same space of time …
29 Following a short hearing organised by the Commission at the end of January , a meeting of a committee of experts was held 10–18 February by the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) .
30 I should perhaps explain in the context of your various questions when I say that erm we do want to become involved in these things , that , at this stage , and we 've only held two meetings , we have just identified themes and general areas in which we want to work , and not precise projects or activities .
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