Example sentences of "held [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was not always so : in Senior ( 1899 ) a man who belonged to a religious sect called the Peculiar People refused to call a doctor to his child , who subsequently died ; he was held guilty of manslaughter on the ground that he had committed an unlawful act ( wilful neglect of the child ) which caused death .
2 There is an immediate paradox here though : attempted murder may not involve the infliction of any harm at all , since a person who shoots at another and misses may still be held guilty of attempted murder .
3 This was open to the criticism that it imposed constructive liability : a person who risked a minor assault might be held guilty of a more serious offence if ‘ actual bodily harm ’ happened to result .
4 She was held guilty under s.47 .
5 In no other country on earth have ancient traditions and their ritualized expression been held intact in their undiluted form from time immemorial .
6 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
7 This is accomplished by allowing the run from D1 to D10 to occur while pin 13 of IC2 , the clock enable pin , is held low by way of resistor R9 .
8 Everywhere else the ground was held solid under the rain by the vast grip of the vegetation which had so rapidly sprung up .
9 They should have held solid at the bridge . ’
10 ( The Supreme Court had held flag-desecration to be a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment , but this bill provided for only a $25 fine in cases of assault upon flag-burners . )
11 Meetings were held weekly between supervisors and headquarters field and data-processing staff , and at least once every 2 weeks between groups of fieldworkers and their supervisors to ensure good two-way communication .
12 A pianist plays here several nights a week and from 15 June to 15 September a discotheque is held weekly near the swimming pool .
13 The mechanisms by which political elites can be held responsive to majority views in systems of representative government were further explored in Joseph Schumpeter 's Capitalism , Socialism and Democracy ( 1944 ) , which defined democracy as ‘ an institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ .
14 Hopes were held high for just seven verses .
15 The other plate is held fixed at a distance d .
16 One is that if the coordinate r is held fixed for any length of time the interval is negative and space-like .
17 As Table 8.3. shows , the discount rate of the National Bank , which is a fairly good indicator of the whole structure of interest rates , was held fixed throughout 1980 and 1981 at 6 per cent .
18 ( 6 ) Any licence transferred under this section shall be held subject to the conditions on which it was originally granted .
19 Francome is important because the court recognised the possibility that information taken without anyone 's consent , for example by espionage , might be held subject to an obligation of confidence .
20 5.2 Miscellaneous It will be no breach of confidentiality to disclose documents on discovery in the course of litigation even if they are held subject to a duty of confidence owed to a third party .
21 Although agreement may be reached between the parties as to the future of the matrimonial home , it is strongly advised that such agreement be embodied in a " consent order " of the court ; if the court does not have the power directly to make an order under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ( for instance in relation to repairs to property held subject to certain conditions and in relation to payment of premiums of life assurance policies ) the same effect can be achieved by formulating the obligations of each party as undertakings given to the court ( see Livesey v Jenkins [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 106 and Salter , Matrimonial Consent Orders and Agreements , 2nd edn , Longman 1991 ) .
22 Thus the relationship between the general level of prices and aggregate output when the expected price level is held constant at P — the short-run aggregate supply curve — can be depicted as an upward-sloping line which cuts the vertical line from y n at price level P .
23 Where prices were once held constant for five year periods , from 1976 onwards they have been revised annually on the basis of a five-year moving average of world market prices .
24 ( iii ) Programme format The format of the programme is usually held constant throughout the series .
25 Like the Zande they live in the southern Sudan and have been studied by Evans-Pritchard , so that at least the personal equation can be held constant in comparisons between these two cultures .
26 Particularly controversial has been the argument of human capital theorists that a number of economic variables must be held constant in calculating the economic effects of education and health services .
27 However , it is necessary to note that there is a limit to the number of variables that can be held constant in this way .
28 Although developed in a case to which the Hague Convention was inapplicable , the point has been recognised , though held unjustified on the facts , in a Convention case .
29 Employers are also entitled to require employees to move if such a contractual right is implied , although there may be a greater danger of the dismissal being held unfair in such circumstances .
30 These experiments somewhat underestimate mutation rates because , even where new mutations are held heterozygous against balancer chromosomes , it is impossible to eliminate natural selection altogether if mutations are not completely recessive ; to take the extreme example , dominant lethals can never be accumulated .
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