Example sentences of "seven years [unc] " in BNC.

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1 I never went to the extremes with heroin , but I was addicted to valium for seven years erm and I 've been clean from valium for four months erm through a drug programme in Brenda House
2 The Japanese FA is to initiate a programme of stadium-building before the choice is made in seven years ' time .
3 The Japanese FA is to initiate a programme of stadium-building before the choice is made in seven years ' time .
4 ROSEMARY MOON had seven years ' experience in the domestic appliance industry , both in research and international marketing , before embarking on a freelance career .
5 For this offence and for the proposed suicide-pact offence , the Criminal Law Revision Committee ( CLRC ) recommended a maximum of seven years ' imprisonment .
6 That Act imposed a penalty of up to two years ’ imprisonment , but this was altered by the Prevention of Corruption Act 1916 , in certain cases to a maximum of seven years ' imprisonment and a minimum of three years ' imprisonment .
7 It has been speculated by Smith that this idea might have been suggested to Bourgelat by the Earl of Pembroke ( 1734–1794 ) , a cavalry officer in the Seven Years ' War .
8 A further significant motion at the meeting on 5 August 1790 called for provision to be made under Parliamentary authority for placing the profession of farriery ( as practised by shoeing-smiths ) on a more respectable footing , by forbidding farriers from practising unless licensed , by preventing , after a limited time , any person from practising farriery who had not served seven years ' apprenticeship under a licensed farrier , and so on .
9 One year 's seeding really does mean seven years ' weeding , when we consider the succession of seasons required for astronomical numbers of poppy seeds to decay to zero .
10 United Satellites — a consortium of British Telecom , British Aerospace and GEC — has guaranteed the BBC seven years ' service , at £12.2 million per channel per year , from satellites launched on the European Ariane rocket .
11 Meanwhile Yorkshire 's liquidity has held up and should guarantee the county at least another seven years ' existence , time enough for the new management and its overseas players to wave their collective wands .
12 Twenty-six officers were sentenced to death , three peers , including Derwentwater , were executed ; of the rank and file 700 were sentenced to seven years ' transportation to the West Indies .
13 Seven years ' meals th'had out o' me .
14 Until the report was published , the question of the balance of Meehan 's compensation for seven years ' wrongful imprisonment was to remain in abeyance .
15 Finally , when you are hanging the mirror , do remember to use some extra-sturdy hooks and nylon picture cord , as it will be heavier than a normal mirror , and you do n't want to ruin your carefully constructed design , as well as incur seven years ' bad luck , by watching the whole thing smash on to the floor !
16 The four had each been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment on 10 July 1991 for holding a ‘ seditious ’ meeting in a Nairobi bar .
17 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
18 In the famous debates between the Levellers and the army leaders , principally Cromwell and Ireton , at Putney in the autumn of 1647 , the Levellers argued that those who had fought on Parliament 's side had earned the right to be enfranchised : " if ever a people shall free themselves from tyranny , certainly it is after seven years ' war and fighting for their liberty , " said Maximilian Petty .
19 From 1971 to 1977 he had also been " Head of Wasdale " , a former one-roomed schoolhouse in the Lake District which he had transformed into the School 's Outdoor Pursuits Centre , guided by seven years ' experience on the Corsica trips between 1966 and 1972 .
20 The Court had reached the conclusion that it should quash the indeterminate sentence and substitute a sentence of seven years ' detention .
21 Throughout his evidence , Price implicated the applicant ( whom he identified from a photograph ) in those dealings as the man who had informed him of the consignment of cannabis in Sweden , and had asked him and a man named Ryan ( who had also been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment ) to deliver it to customers in Sweden .
22 The appellant was Michael Thomas Bromell who had been convicted on 16 October 1987 at Warwick Crown Court of unlawful wounding and had been sentenced to seven years ' imprisonment .
23 Now I had a companion to share everything with , someone I knew of old and with whom there were no constraints , and seven years ' news to keep the conversation flowing .
24 He saw no reason to add that from now on , her body would break down : she would gradually become slower in her movements , she would tire more easily and lack stamina , and she would probably have another stroke in seven years ' time — at the latest .
25 Later , in the eighteenth century , it also kept aloof from the War of the Austrian Succession ( 1741–48 ) and the Seven Years ' War ( 1756–63 ) .
26 Sampson Lloyd 's iron business prospered during the Seven Years ' War , but the peace in 1763 posed a challenge , as did the need to provide careers for his four sons .
27 He served with both Horse and Foot in Germany during the Seven Years ' War , an experience to which he often subsequently referred .
28 It was through their influence that Goodricke was appointed as minister-resident to Sweden in 1758 ; he had to wait in Copenhagen until 1764 before the Swedish government resumed diplomatic relations with Britain that had been severed at the outset of the Seven Years ' War .
29 They were also important military remittance contractors during the Seven Years ' War .
30 The subsequent trial was a travesty , and , as a deterrent , an inexperienced judge sentenced Loveless and his five associates to seven years ' transportation .
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