Example sentences of "come [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
2 However , if you will consider the situation for a moment , you may come to see the inappropriateness of someone such as yourself talking ‘ down ’ to one such as my father . ’
3 She may come to see the patient every day , usually excluding weekends .
4 Smith , who summed up the philosophy as one of ‘ Discipline and Religion ’ , hoped that by emphasizing masculinity and the becoming of ‘ Christian men ’ , the boys would come to see the ‘ manliness of Christianity ’ and that this would counter their tendency to regard it as ‘ effeminate and weak ’ , an idea which seemed to be too popular .
5 ‘ And do the people come to see the lions ? ’
6 We 've got there interest they come they 've seen they 've seen how the theatre works let them come to see the theatre working .
7 I hope you 've found the meeting this evening positive , I 'm sure you have n't heard perhaps if the people found after the this evening and the guy up there reckons we ought to retire , well I do n't think we will retire but I think we will be responding to the things that you raised this evening I happen to think the Harlow theatre I 'm not sure how you measure success , erm I think we measure it 's success in the fact that people actually do use the building , people do come to see the shows .
8 ‘ More to the point , as they struggle to find their way to the coast — having realised the nature of their predicament , pendant to an encounter with their hairy forefathers that will leave half their number blinded and trepanned and two-thirds of the remainder dying from blood poisoning — they will gradually come to see the uttermost folly of their own moral precepts , their spiritual baggage , their transcendental ballast .
9 " They asked if they might come to see the palais , but they had of course to remain outside in the gardens with their nurse where they can do no damage . "
10 Hilton is aware that the Incarnation must always be the starting-point for reforming in feeling , and only through the processes of faith and penance for the sins which deform the body of Christ can the soul come to see the reality of the being of God in man — Christ : It is this ghostly love that the soul glimpses in the darkness , and in doing so experiences the reality of the resurrected and ascended Christ who comes to man in the Holy Spirit and completes the story of the Incarnation .
11 He says he 's delighted and hopes more people will come to see the window .
12 She 'd come to seduce the man , for goodness ' sake ; right now she felt more like an job applicant attending an important interview .
13 The the father would be on the boat , and the son would , as a young boy , would come to meet the workers that came back and he begins to help with the ropes and the winching up of the boat and the washing down , and so on , of the boat after she 's been on service , and so on .
14 ‘ Did the Queen come to inspect the corpse ? ’
15 Yet the shepherd is sure that he does , and so they have a short argument , which ends with Moses telling the shepherd to hide behind the bushes to find out whether in fact God does come to drink the milk .
16 I remember it happening , but I ca n't remember somebody came to open it , did somebody come to open The Stow you know
17 People were coming to accept that Nonconformist chapels should look like ‘ churches ’ and that Nonconformist services should be more ‘ dignified ’ and ‘ ecclesiastical ’ ; it was not surprising that people should come to view the nature of the Church itself in a different vein from their forefathers .
18 This was as close as Paul Reichmann would come to answer the accusation .
19 Montague believes the unravelling of red tape means the EC market for rented trailers will come to resemble the US one , where 20 per cent of trailers are rented , compared with 7 per cent in Europe .
20 A subject trained with both A and B each followed by event X may come to perceive the distinctive features of A and B , something that might reduce generalization between them .
21 The pupil may come to perceive the teacher and fellow pupils and friendly and understanding and so change his or her assessment of the situation .
22 They used to send the stewards round and er you you 'd suddenly see two new people in the congregation and they 'd come to hear the minister preach to see if he was a good preacher and then they 'd go back to report .
23 User interfaces are not just pretty screen representations : as their use is extended they will come to express the whole nature of the system data model , and will probably become highly specialized as the interfaces move from function-oriented to task-oriented forms .
24 We shall be particularly interested in discussing how a recipient might come to comprehend the producer 's intended message on a particular occasion , and how the requirements of the particular recipient(s) , in definable circumstances , influence the organisation of the producer 's discourse .
25 In the same way that one would expect the British Medical Association to be called upon to comment on any issue of human rights , we should come to expect the Library Association , along with other organizations such as Article 19 to be called to comment on any issue of censorship , and not just in the literary context .
26 And Hill adds : ‘ This time next year , fans will come to expect the sort of entertainment we provide at every match .
27 Hewlett-Packard is going to try to steal some of Sun 's thunder this week by getting their top honchos to roll out a high-end multi-processor , reportedly code named Emerald , that will come to use the recently announced 7100 PA-RISC chip .
28 As concern for the environment grows , this area may eventually come to rival the Darwinian revolution as a subject for scholarly analysis .
29 Once you had served a few years , you might come to detest the job , but you committed yourself to the future .
30 She 'd come get the bread back when Willa Mae baked .
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