Example sentences of "patients ' [adj] " in BNC.

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1 General practitioners generally cope with whatever is thrown their way , be it the shift of complex clinical management of cases into the community with less hospitalisation , changes in hospital policy resulting in a shift of costs to the community budget , underfunding of secondary sector posts and beds , the 1990 general practitioner contract , or patients ' increased expectations in a cost cutting climate of health care .
2 There were no significant changes in the patients ' mean weight and serum creatinine and sodium concentrations throughout the trial .
3 This chapter will suggest contributions you may make towards minimizing patients ' possible anxiety .
4 The nurse is there to make the nursing contribution to the solution , amelioration or prevention of the patients ' actual or potential problems .
5 Disagreeing with him over the patients ' preparatory period before inoculation , which he proposed to reduce from a month to eight or ten days , and recommending an open-air regime instead of confinement indoors following inoculation , Sutton left to set up his own practice at Ingatestone , Essex , in October 1763 .
6 Gradually the patients ' new environment seems less strange and threatening as they become aware of the possibilities for communication between hospital and their familiar environment .
7 With the agreement of patients , the CAB workers will be allowed access to basic information , such as patients ' legal status , doctor , ward and welfare benefits .
8 A measure of the relief from intractable heartburn and regurgitation was the patients ' expressed willingness to repeat the operation given circumstances similar to those before the first fundoplication .
9 Accordingly , she quietly left the nurses ' station to go and take her patients ' before-lunch blood sugars , and carefully avoided Deana for the rest of the shift .
10 Patients ' final diagnoses were based on histological and clinical findings ( table I ) .
11 However , in one large series , including all types of oesophageal carcinomas , patients ' late outcome was influenced significantly by tumour staging and histological grading .
12 This barrenness of bacterial feedback coupled with many patients ' understandable neurosis makes the condition one that provides difficulties for patient and doctor alike .
13 The advantage of chemotherapy in previously asymptomatic patients might be questioned in view of the side effects and the initial , though only minor and transient , decrease in patients ' subjective wellbeing .
14 Visick grading seemed to enhance the patients ' subjective estimation of postoperative symptoms .
15 Several nurses believed their patients ' psychosocial state had a direct bearing on a leg ulcer 's progress , reporting extensive ulceration in patients who were ‘ agoraphobic ’ , of ‘ low intelligence ’ , ‘ neglected by their families ’ , ‘ living in poor housing ’ , ‘ poor hygiene ’ , ‘ confused ’ , and ‘ depressed ’ .
16 That doctors ' sex , age , years as a principal , training , or teaching and training activity were not shown significantly to influence their patients ' diabetic control .
17 The patients ' usual dose of other medications taken for colitis such as oral mesalazine , olsalazine , sulphasalazine , and corticosteroids taken in the previous month remained unchanged throughout the trial .
18 The 1983 Mental Health Act , while safeguarding patients ' civil rights , has made many mental health professionals reluctant to use its compulsory powers except in extreme cases .
19 A recent research study ( News , 1988 ) , for example , showed that patients ' smoking habits changed more favourably after nurses ' intervention , compared to studies involving other health care professions .
20 The patients ' clinical state was usually of hypotension and sinus tachycardia , with a third heart sound almost invariably heard .
21 The patients ' clinical disease activity during the interval period was then classified as remission/mild , moderate , or severe using Truelove and Witt 's criteria .
22 All 268 first referrals were reviewed using a copy of the manometry report held in the laboratory and the patients ' clinical notes .
23 They were examined by a single pathologist ( SD ) who was unaware of the patients ' clinical details .
24 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
25 Twenty two patients ' lying mean arterial blood pressure and 19 patients ' standing mean arterial blood pressure fell more with nifedipine than with propranolol .
26 The data relating to the patients ' dietary habits were collected after endoscopically confirmed ulcer healing in 985 patients to assess their habitual intake in relation to their normal physical activity , in the absence of active ulceration .
27 A variety of ring thicknesses may ultimately assist in meeting patients ' differing requirements the thicker the ring , the greater the reshaping of the cornea .
28 A variety of ring thicknesses may ultimately assist in meeting patients ' differing requirements the thicker the ring , the greater the reshaping of the cornea .
29 One-third of the specialists ‘ knew their patient less than a month ’ , hardly a reassuring foundation for insight into patients ' non-explicit wishes .
30 The paper on diary keeping in asthma actually takes anecdote , in its broadest sense of narrative of uncertain significance , as its subject , testing the reliability of patients ' written accounts of their asthmatic symptoms .
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