Example sentences of "need for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was and stili is the extraordinary pictorial value of the linear patterns and forms created by Nijinska for Les Noces which emphasises more clearly than any other ballet the need for every choreographer to keep strict control over the mass of material needed to make a single work .
2 According to my understanding of , of Labour history , it was er during the war years , at one of the Labour Party conferences , that a NUPE resolution supported by COHSE , actually er brought about some of the , the , the many things that were written within the Beveridge report , and committed the Labour Party to the foundation of the National Health Service that would be free at the points of need for every member of the community .
3 We 've been talking about them as facilitators and the need for compatibility , I think there 's also a need for every system to have a back-up of some kind , either of power or maybe a manual back-up , which in fact we were talking about the other evening .
4 The need for a national and international AIDS charity has never been greater .
5 He has identified the need for a fish restaurant in the surrounding area .
6 Due to the small size of the Old Rectory and the communal style of dining , with Michael Vaughan serving , a lot of feedback comes from its diners and the vast majority do not feel the need for a choice of dishes at dinner .
7 As long ago now as 1974 , Michael Maguire argued a need for a semantic ethnography of police systems and the criminals they pursue ; and there has been a subsequent trickle of attempts to carry out participant observation inside the world of ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
8 The vast library on police matters was clearly under-used and there is obviously a need for a critical ethnography of the college itself , for it takes in numbers of senior and middle police managers each year , maintains a considerable staff of academics and visiting lecturers , but has singularly failed to provide an academically stimulating ‘ university of policing ’ .
9 No need for a hat , but the hair must be pulled off the face to minimise distraction and caught at the nape in a black band into which she would stick a single green feather .
10 If you feel that there is a need for a particular kind of care , ask whether it might be arranged .
11 The report , UK levels of health , discusses the need for a common , strategic approach to improving the health of the nation .
12 The only added cost was the need for a second driver when running in excess of 100mph , but this was subsequently rescinded to 110mph .
13 Following studies by Eastern Region 's engineers , a new tracklaying strategy was introduced in 1987 whereby — with the use of a new machine called the Dynamic Track Stabiliser — tracks could be handed back by 06.00 on Monday morning at the full 125mph line speed , eliminating the need for a temporary speed restriction and associated recovery time allowance .
14 BR could claim that even before the Monopoly Commission report 's comments on the need for a new rolling-stock policy it was moving towards the development of stock for use on all regions , having introduced Class 313 25kV AC/750V DC ( dual voltage ) inner-suburban stock in 1976 for the Great Northern electrification scheme followed in 1978 by Class 507 750V DC third-rail stock for Merseyrail ( Midland Region ) ; and Class 314 25kV AC stock in Scotland .
15 Fokine was the first choreographer to distinguish the need for a particular style for each ballet when he created such different ballets as Les Sylphides , Le Carnaval , Prince Igor , The Firebird and Petrushka .
16 A maximum gain of 100 and noise down to 90µV eliminate the need for a following amplifier in many cases , the gain being available in all operating modes .
17 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
18 Second , is n't there an urgent need for a fundamental rethinking of the accounting conventions by which company performance is measured , if would-be ethical investors are to know how environmentally friendly the companies in which they invest really are ?
19 Officials close to Mr Delors said he was convinced the pace of change in Eastern Europe had made the need for a more federal EC all the more urgent .
20 He believes there is now a need for a more precise method of monitoring crack abuse nationally , similar to the Dawn ( Drug Awareness Warning Network ) method , used in the United States , which compiles statistics through information taken from hospitals .
21 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils acknowledged the need for a boost to clinical research , but rejected the Medical Research Council 's proposals for a new centre linking basic laboratory research to clinical research in a hospital setting and postgraduate education .
22 At Brighton last week , Mr Kinnock spoke about the need for greater investment in education and training , research and development , science and transport , the need for a beefed-up Department of Trade and Industry .
23 The massive popularity of our parties is partly due to the fact that we offer all-night dancing , this proves the need for a facility to obtain all-night licences for one-off events .
24 But that there was need for a substantial change in British society was a widespread conclusion .
25 Experience in the past two and a half years has shown both the general effectiveness of such schemes and the need for a much wider extension of them .
26 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
27 But when non-performing songwriters became successful , with their songs being recorded by major artists , and used in films or as TV commercials , then the need for a manager often becomes more pressing .
28 Also , there is a need for a dissolution account to be drawn up so musicians know the state of the band 's finances when a member either leaves or is dismissed .
29 There were , broadly , two interrelated reasons for this , the first relating to Britain 's economic and Imperial difficulties , the second to the internal dissension in all three parties , a symptom perhaps of the need for a realignment of political parties .
30 After all , in the whole of the private sector there is a need for innovation ; there is a need sometimes for diversification , although that can be a dangerous area ; there is a need for a sensitive but effective response to the changing market place .
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