Example sentences of "patients [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , previous research by this group has shown that some diabetic patients suffer a decrease in visual sensitivity that precedes loss of acuity and retinal changes , and the present study is designed to assess the prevalence of this preclinical dysfunction .
2 Even if someone does catch the disease , experts say it is extremely treatable and nearly all patients make a full recovery .
3 The target groups for a day hospital for dementing patients would be the 3 lowest categories — C , D and E. All category E patients would be included as well as a proportion of those in group D and a smaller proportion of group C. Although inevitably factors such as level of agreement to use day hospital facilities and the frequency of attendance of patients influence the final figure , 7–9 day places is not an unrealistic figure , though this exceeds current nationally derived guidelines .
4 Unilaterally brain-damaged patients provide the classic source of data , beginning with Broca 's observations in the nineteenth century .
5 Some patients want no further contact with the would-be therapist after the initial assessment , or agree to see him only a few times .
6 Head under healer : patients say a tingling sensation runs through their bodies
7 Time and empathy are often lacking in the doctor-patient encounter ; high-tech medicine sometimes turns patients into numbers labelled with a diagnosis ; and since many diseases have become curable , some patients expect a cure for all ailments .
8 Most people caring for diabetic patients realise the importance of the patient actively participating in the very first injection of insulin .
9 In 1984 Siegel reported 22 cases with long term stenting ( >3 months ) , two patients ahd the proximal end of the pigtail placed accidentally within the gall bladder , all remained asymptomatic for a mean of 16.3 months .
10 A number of patients show a more general sensitivity to fungi , and are affected by inhaling spores from moulds .
11 ( i ) The presence or absence of residual ischaemia ( ii ) The safe heart rate to which the patient can exercise ( iii ) The likelihood of arrhythmias developing during exercise ( iv ) The blood pressure response to exercise ( some patients show a paradoxical fall in blood pressure with exercise , and this is an adverse prognostic feature and may result in the patient developing quite severe orthostatic hypotension after an exercise session ) ( v ) Current fitness level from which the patient 's exercise tolerance can be derived Most hospital-based or community-based exercise programmes for coronary patients are based on circuit training .
12 In contrast with that of normal subjects , the biopsy specimens from coeliac patients show a conspicuous staining at the lateral membrane/ intercellular space after only 20 minutes of instillation .
13 The medical histories of our patients show a high incidence of concomitant or past diseases with only two patients having an absolutely unremarkable history .
14 Fourth , twenty-nine to forty-eight months after acquiring HIV-1 infection , our 3 patients show no signs or symptoms of progression to AIDS , which contrasts with the concept that individuals who experience an acute illness associated with seroconversion have a more rapid progression to AIDS .
15 Even when an oxytocic agent is not given a small proportion of patients show an increase in plasma oxytocin concentration during the late second or early third stage of labour .
16 Until that happens , all patients deserve the protection of the GMC , which was founded to protect the public from quacks .
17 Failure to pay due regard to the relativities between units will ensure that some nurses work under greater pressure than necessary and that some patients receive a reduced level of service .
18 In Scotland all patients receive a hospital diagnostic code from the International Classification of Diseases ( ICD ninth revision ) on admission , discharge , or death , and this information is available from the information and statistics division of the Scottish Home and Health Department .
19 Patients receive an eye drop anaesthetic for the procedure which is only available privately at a cost of £1,300 per eye .
20 The authors see the requirement for the nurse to re-register every three years ( periodic licensing ) , as an important step forward in ensuring ‘ that all patients receive the highest level of care and that the qualified nurse can really be seen to be in a position of accountability ’ .
21 The Committee is not convinced that the proposal for ‘ Community Supervision Orders ’ [ CSOs ] put forward by the Royal College of Psychiatrists will provide the solution for ensuring patients receive the care they need .
22 British patients wait an average of 36 days to see a specialist , the longest delay of 15 European countries studied , the college found .
23 All other patients run the risk of having their wishes flouted .
24 In the absence of reliable data , the cost of hospital-acquired infection ( HAI ) in the UK is difficult to calculate , but Ayliffe & Collins ( 1982 ) suggest that if 5% of patients acquire a nosocomial infection and spend three extra days in hospital , the cost to the country is £30 million excluding the cost of antibiotics , dressings , increased use of microbiology and primary care facilities ; plus sickness benefits , supplementary benefits and reduced payment of income tax .
25 Other patients give a negative skin-prick test but respond positively to an intradermal test ( see p 288 ) , which is more ‘ sensitive ’ because it uses more antigen and places it in a deeper layer of the skin .
26 So you can test it more thoroughly but in that case , A you put the costs up and B it takes longer before it gets actually , before patients get the benefits of it .
27 Here 's how the parties shape up : Labour The party aims to ‘ modernise the NHS , increase investment and ensure that patients get the treatment they need using £1 bn to begin to tackle 13 years of underfunding . ’
28 It includes interviews with GPs and patients to assess the extent to which patients exert an influence on the decision to opt for surgical treatment for this condition .
29 All patients attend a regular follow up clinic , none have been lost to follow up but seven patients are contacted through local gastroenterologists either because they find travel to the centre difficult or because they now live abroad .
30 Hemiplegic patients feel the cold , so extra home heating may be required .
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