Example sentences of "especially as [art] " in BNC.

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1 This presumably restricts their popularity , especially as no farmer is going to want one when his yard is the size of a blackhead .
2 It seems a bit on the pricy side , especially as no case is included , but it might well be worth the extra for the feel of the neck and the promise of high reliability .
3 It was strange how difficult it was to be alone , especially as no one was anxious to be with me .
4 Some feared the use of the schools by proselytizers to indoctrinate the children in protestant principles , especially as the local managers were at first mainly clergy of the established church .
5 Although often studying less controversial forces than the RUC , this panglossian portrayal has to be disbelieved , especially as the authors often indicated in an occasional footnote , or in a revealing preface or aside , that they faced problems in the field similar to our own ( for example , see van Maamen 1981 : 479 , 492 ; Westley 1970 , p. vii ) , even when the research was covert ( Holdaway 1982 , 1983 : 12 ) .
6 The recent past informs the post/modern , even or especially as the latter is changing our understanding of that past .
7 The notion of progression is clearly important in assessing this work , especially as the temptation to isolate , or even dismiss , it as an epiphenomenon of the SI is strong .
8 Paul , whose remark had been the opening move in a carefully planned campaign to enhance Bodo 's image so that his plan to leave school and work with him would not meet resistance , meekly accepted the rebuke and the order , especially as the television he wanted to watch was a rock concert .
9 It seemed to most onlookers that the first step to take to correct the disparity between the teams was to practise as hard as possible , especially as the West Indians were doing just that themselves ; Gower and Tony Brown , the manager , however , enforced no such ruling .
10 It was an astonishing piece of planning , especially as the Friday , being Good Friday , was the rest day .
11 An urgent message for the CO one morning was a very welcome change for his staff , especially as the note was by hand and it came from Lord Halifax .
12 Delighted at the chance to see more of County Sligo , especially as the weather was now improving , I thanked the priest and settled back in my seat .
13 I hope the RFU competitions committee make an urgent review of proceedings , especially as the First Division will be reduced to 10 teams for the 1993–94 season .
14 This , added to physical fatigue , produced a considerable burden , especially as the average age of the full-time farmer was greater than their part-time counterparts .
15 This political marriage was very unpopular with Pope Stephen III , especially as the papacy had encouraged the Frankish kings to weaken the power of the Lombards , whose territories bordered upon its own .
16 The situation will doubtless continue to change , especially as the initial euphoria over German and European unification being two sides of the same coin ( the slogan trotted out repeatedly in 1990 ) becomes increasingly ludicrous , as the cost of East Germany spirals .
17 Do you think they will provide a significant improvement in traction , especially as the cost of fitment would more than adequately pay for high quality winch gear .
18 Parental and public anxiety grew , and especially as the size of the eleven-plus group expanded without any corresponding increase in grammar-school provision .
19 While I appreciate that you are quoting the system Inventor 's personal opinion I feel it is irresponsible to say that freeze branding spoils a horse/pony 's looks , especially as the item is in the format of a News Review not an advertisement .
20 Penny was Sixer of the Kelpies , and when her granny had given her a beautiful budgie for a birthday present she decided to name it Kelpie after her Six , especially as the bird had a little silver patch on his throat — just as if he was wearing the Promise Badge , Penny pointed out gleefully .
21 However , it is reasonable to demand a more positive rationale for transforming data , especially as the resulting numbers seem so unfamiliar .
22 Unless you were of ‘ a nervous disposition ’ ( what a lovely genteel phrase that is ) you were unlikely to be distressed by these tales of goodies versus the bad monsters , especially as the goodies always won in the end .
23 In practice this distinction was almost impossible to maintain , especially as the exchanges and the education employment committees often failed to provide each other with the necessary information .
24 Davout told Thiercelin he had done better than expected , which was generous praise from him , especially as the marshal 's own enquiries had been unproductive .
25 Will this simplification , especially as the assessment system is to be discussed in terms of levels , lead to the child being labelled and known prematurely as a ‘ level one child ’ or a ‘ level two child ’ and so on ?
26 An enhanced co-ordinating role is available to those capable of meeting this challenge , especially as the number of districts and units reduces and UGMs come to represent larger conglomerations of provider groupings .
27 Pentel also make a range of pens which are excellent , especially as the felt tips do not become fuzzy with use and maintain their firmness .
28 Poor girl , she was eternally grateful to Fred , especially as the next day , after she 'd slept it all off , she could n't remember any of the details of that night .
29 After all , why spend good money teaching computers to play chess , especially as the original objective , making a machine than can plan , had proved so intractable ?
30 Few sighs of relief were heard , especially as the Swedes , plagued once more by submarines prowling round their defences , said they would sink intruders .
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