Example sentences of "member of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Most churches are completely unprepared for the shock of finding an established member of the congregation is infected with HIV or dying with AIDS , even though this is increasingly common . ’
2 A judicial investigation into his case ordered the arrest of a member of the national police .
3 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
4 In October 1990 , Hamadi Jebali , who is a member of the executive council of Hizb al-Nahda , had received a six month 's suspended sentence and a fine of 1500 dinars for publishing an article entitled ‘ The people of the State or the State of the people ? ’ in Al-Fajr in June 1990 .
5 Three years of being a member of the Campaign Team at AI had not prepared me for seeing human rights abuses first hand .
6 At least one member of the jury said he would not have given a sentence of death ( which must be unanimous ) had he known that Prejean had suffered prolonged mental and physical abuse from his guardians .
7 Perhaps this is because , as a member of the Abingdon Group put it : ‘ In a group there is the fun and companionship … and the awe at saving a life , supporting a prisoner through years of isolation , getting your prisoner free . ’
8 Theatre invites you to give your full attention to what is happening on stage — the theatrical experience is a very concentrated one and you as a member of the audience are vitally connected to what is going on .
9 The ITGWU became a member of the ITUC in 1909 , but had very distinct and separate policies to the moderate ITUC which sought to keep its links with Northern protestant workers .
10 The fact that a prominent member of the current community council and an integrated education supporter was a member of official Sinn Fein , the Workers ' party , appeared to figure in the reasoning , as this party has always been suspected to be an anti-clerical and secularist force .
11 This is not unnatural , as in the 1970s and early 1980s Spencer was at the Queen 's University , Belfast , and an active member of the All Children Together Movement .
12 Angus Crichton-Miller , managing director of the Rank Organisation 's holidays and hotels division and a member of the study group said : ‘ It is not an efficient system to have such changes between busy and quiet periods and it would be better if we could flatten prices over a longer season , rather than have such high-peak-season prices . ’
13 Christine Frechet , a member of the Association de Restauratrices Cuisinières ( ARC ) , serves skate with mustard and sherry vinegar .
14 ‘ And may I ask if she will be so delighted to see me because I happen to be a male member of the human race … ? ’
15 Slow-growing Kalmia latifolia , a North American member of the rhododendron tribe , loves moist soil .
16 We always tell folk to watch out for clubroot , because the wallflower is actually a member of the cabbage family .
17 Ethical problems will surface , for no power-based organization likes to have its idiosyncrasies made public , and the anthropologist who is a member of the family and not merely a temporary visitor to the ‘ backyard ’ exotica can find that writing anything at all becomes crucially problematic .
18 For as a member of the institution , the insider/anthropologist is uniquely situated to move across the interfaces of his society .
19 Leonard 's overriding impression was of a stout man , reticent and somewhat withdrawn , at least introspective , who enjoyed a good laugh ; a proud member of the Royal Canadian Legion and its military traditions .
20 ‘ It took us quite a while to persuade other people just how much tennis in general could benefit , especially in those countries where Government grants are dependent on Olympic membership , if tennis was once again a member of the Olympic family .
21 As a member of the International Olympic Committee , the sport which has been his life , both before and since his professional career as a journalist , will have a permanent voice in the world 's most important sporting forum .
22 If a member of the clergy officiates at a service in an unconsecrated part of a cemetery , or at a crematorium , the charge usually reflects the parochial fee for a similar service .
23 Look for an undertaker who is a member of the NAFD and ask for information .
24 If you prefer to have a private contractor do the work make sure they are a member of the following relevant trade associations :
25 At first the libretto is only an outline of how the story unfolds and what part each member of the cast is supposed to play .
26 The work of head office now has a European dimension as the Open Market of 1993 approaches and CAMRA is a founding member of the Beer Consumers Union which seeks to support traditional beer styles in many countries and ward off greater concentration of ownership .
27 * Martyn Cornell is a member of the Brewery History Society .
28 One member of the party went to summon the rescue team and the helicopter appeared as we neared the CIC hut .
29 Ross 's experience struck an identical chord with me , for John Sheard and I had exactly the same experience on the first ascent of Face Route where the second , hanging on a sling to remove gear , was observed by a member of the establishment and a rumour immediately started that was rapidly translated into guidebook writer 's ‘ fact ’ .
30 Ask your vet to put you in touch with the nearest , most suitable member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Consultants .
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