Example sentences of "since [det] time " in BNC.

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1 About one-third of pupils have traditionally attended them since that time .
2 Since that time Kaunda has operated an unending game of musical chairs between tribal interest groups .
3 Since that time the productivity of the top 20 per cent of farmers has been sustained with a continuous record of technical improvement ; about 40 per cent have maintained a level of productivity which enables them to generate an acceptable income ; and a further 40 per cent have continued to produce enough for their own household 's subsistence requirements .
4 Taking the donor agencies as a whole , about 9,000 evaluations of individual projects have been made since 1970 , probably accounting for about 12 per cent of all projects launched since that time .
5 Michael Manser sold Castle Mill soon after its conversion was complete and since that time it has had two further owners , the first of whom installed a lift linking the ground-floor entrance hall with the first-floor dining-room , the generous volume of which has been somewhat reduced by the intrusion of the lift shaft into its south-west corner .
6 Since that time , chromatographic techniques have advanced significantly .
7 To a Christian , the word ‘ faith ’ will probably recall the arguments of the Protestant Reformation and the debate about the idea of ‘ justification by faith ’ which has dominated much of Christian history since that time .
8 Even so , the Department of Energy has not provided any substantial funding to the project since that time .
9 Since that time , I have lost numerous more employees in such circumstances .
10 Considerable thought obviously went into the preparation of the recommendations , and clinics opened or planned since that time have largely followed the guidelines .
11 Since that time , neonatology as a speciality has found its place in paediatrics , with the appointment of full-time neonatal consultants in all neonatal intensive care units .
12 Since that time it has been explored in chemical systems with further mathematics and also experimentally .
13 Since that time I think that there has been great progress towards reconciliation and this has largely flowed from common sense and from a better understanding of the facts .
14 Since that time , the Dreadnought has been seen on private hirings , trade promotions and Illumination tours .
15 It is a two-storey mill ( now open to the public ) which he built in 1752 , though it has been much altered since that time .
16 Reputedly the smallest of England 's parish churches , it may have developed from an anchorite 's cell in the eleventh or twelfth century , and since that time had drawn many pilgrims to its almost inaccessible woodland site .
17 Since that time , the main economic indicators show an economy in decline .
18 Since that time , it has suffered repression from the government and military authorities .
19 However , inner-city funding introduced by Labour in the late 1970s began the process , which has continued since that time , of identifying and ranking authorities .
20 Funnily enough , I think the craze has never resurfaced in the seventy years since that time .
21 Since that time the Lovins have worked in double harness , to impressive effect .
22 Since that time there has been active US lobbying among other Western nations against signature .
23 Since that time Sakharov has been deprived of the medical care which he requires , Sakharov 's friends wrote about this to Anatoly Alexandrov , president of the Academy of Sciences , in January 1982 , but they received no reply .
24 When portions of present-day Indian pueblos occupied since that time are uncovered , their walls prove to be laid up of long pours of puddled mud .
25 Ever since that time , there has been going on throughout the world a series of struggles which have ranged from very minor quarrels at one extreme , to the uttermost ferocity of human warfare at the other .
26 Since that time , a range of CFCs has been developed and identified with numbers , hence you will read about CFC 11 , 12 , 13 , 113 , 114 and 115 .
27 That purpose rapidly became defunct , but the afforestation continued with thousands of acres being planted since that time , at the expense of many of our ancient broadleaved woodlands that nurture diversity .
28 Since that time , more than 20,000 babies are thought to have been born as a result of this technique .
29 In East Norfolk , for example , where I live , I have seen the fox population increase very substantially indeed since that time and this can not be coincidental .
30 Since that time they have been selectively-bred throughout the world to produce the 100 or more different varieties that are available today .
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