Example sentences of "trying to make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I said something like , well , I was trying to make her feel at ease , oh , something like , we could make a habit of this , and just have fun , Lucy .
2 I was working her hard by now , trying to make her lose control .
3 ‘ He , too , had suffered under Miss Angus 's overbearing rule when he was at school , and he did not mind trying to make her look foolish .
4 Alice was trying to make her raise her eyes , take her in .
5 He was only trying to make her feel better .
6 They simply are ’ , but he gives up trying to make her understand because they do n't ‘ talk the same language ’ ( 43 ) .
7 ‘ So the behaviour you described last time — following Susie 's movements , going through her things — is your way of trying to make her stay ? ’ asked the counsellor .
8 If it 's the bolt of lightning , the thunderclap ? ’ he asked his mother , as gently as he could , trying to make her laugh .
9 If only she could be with her , give her a hug , the affection and understanding she needed , at the same time trying to make her see that issuing ultimatums inevitably led to war — whether it was between countries or lovers !
10 Was he deliberately trying to make her feel even more humiliated ?
11 ‘ He was at her , trying to make her say that she loved him better than she did me .
12 The priest was trying to make her marry her baby 's father , the good-looking young Pablo , but Lina was in no hurry .
13 Without such general cooperation , those trying to make something significant happen in an organization run forever uphill .
14 We found the gypsies about their business : Zylpha washing clothes in the beck , old Katie mending a torn jacket , Jake dismantling two old bicycles and trying to make one good one out of the spare parts , and Rosie , the little riddle-me-ree girl , splashing naked in the water .
15 It is not a question of setting these two up as irreconcilable enemies , trying to make one a hero and the other a villain , for both have an invaluable contribution to make to the understanding of language , and both ultimately need each other .
16 there was Chris , Chris trying to take the piss in the there was Chris , Chris gon na take the piss in the , my eyes looked in my can of , I have no with my , I have no not a , trying to make ya
17 Alex had thought , You 're throwing me away and trying to make yourself feel good about it .
18 Remember what he said about trying to make yourself indispensable ? she told herself wryly , and knew that was exactly what she was trying to do .
19 She and Paula , who was in the sixth form , had struck up a close relationship ; when Louise was not occupied in tantalising and inflaming some poor young man she and Paula were always together , drinking endless cups of espresso coffee to the accompaniment of Elvis and Cliff and Tommy Steele on the juke-box in the Black Cat Coffee Bar , haring about on Louise 's smart little Lambretta scooter , or simply spending an evening painting one another 's toenails , plucking one another 's eyebrows and generally trying to make themselves even more fatally attractive to the opposite sex , which , without doubt , they already were .
20 They lay packed together in the gloom , trying to make themselves comfortable on the wires .
21 Many a Dark Elf army has been lost in Tiranoc while trying to make its way to the more populous lands of the south and east .
22 Raise the eyebrows , forcing them up as far as you can as if trying to make them meet your hair line .
23 Patscentre made Yes-Man after it decided that robots were getting too complicated : manufacturers were trying to make them both cognitive and manipulative .
24 Women , they argue , are always trying to make them stop doing things they most like doing ( getting messy , drinking , staying out late and so on ) just like their mothers used to .
25 However , there are always attendant risks with taking people out of an environment where they have been successful and moving them , mid-career , into a completely different style and sector and trying to make them successful there .
26 But that is no reason for trying to make them contradict each other .
27 They are not irreconcilable and sociological analysis can only be frustrated by trying to make them so .
28 ‘ You 're trying to make them think you 've been coming in to see me ?
29 Oh , right , we row , we lucky we 've got a row of trees all the way along the back fence like , and in the summer when all the foliage makes quite a nice barrier for the noise and sound and stuff , but what were trying to do is to stop them from , were trying to make them spread out
30 She was still off with Michel , presumably , trying to make him jealous .
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