Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] into " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , the tip of that persistent tongue was trying to penetrate into the puckered tightness of her bumhole .
2 — Instead , another image , one of horror this time , was trying to slide into her mind .
3 I think the captain is trying to go into the quieter water between the islands and the mainland .
4 A lot of folks drop their guard when they think they 're dealing with a man of simple mind — and if behind that kind of pose you hide the steely determination I 've been trying to drum into you , son , you 'll do just fine . "
5 Martin Bates adjusted the focus on the binoculars , trying to pull into sharper definition the man moving about on the deck .
6 All went well until RAF Benson had chased him all round the sky and their MATZ before issuing their not unusual request to ‘ resume your own navigation ’ leaving him totally lost , heading into a nasty and unforecast rainstorm and trying to track into the White Waltham entry lane using cross-cuts on the single VOR .
7 We have been trying to din into the heads of the electricity boards an inkling that different people are susceptible to different levels of radiation exposure and that there is no safe level .
8 I 'm not trying to pry into your personal relationship , ’ stammered Melissa .
9 Following the surrender on IS May , Tito 's men did kill some wounded at Bleiburg and some individual Croats were shot while trying to escape into the woods .
10 It was as though a stream had been damned in the heart of the forest and had gradually widened out making the centre of the great bowl they were trying to cross into a swamp .
11 In their notoriously fashion-based hometown they 've stuck out from the crowd by not following rules and soldering disparate musics together when everyone else was trying to fit into narrow categories .
12 I mean , if you , if you into , if you were trying to look into building or commercial and you had to send them a planning application for it , you 'd have to prove that building could support the weight .
13 ‘ You 're trying to play into the music , you see .
14 So the Development Set invented ‘ The South ’ to denote an area of darkness out of which millions are trying to emerge into the light .
15 The film both fulfils the Powell-Pressburger partnership 's aim to produce ‘ original stories , written for the screen , keeping pace with events and trying to put into action what people were thinking and saying at the time , ’ which is what the more obviously documentarist filmmakers were also trying to do , and articulates its own vision of the mystical forces in nature , culminating in the healing miracle that arrives for each of the three Canterbury pilgrims on their way to the cathedral .
16 The legislation that we 're trying to put into progress , through the cam campaign is obviously gon na take a long time to achieve , so word of mouth is absolutive absolutely vital .
17 If you listened Mark without interrupting , I was just about to say I 'm not trying to convert into a better way of doing things because obviously I do n't know whether that 's a different , a better way of doing it , what I said It 's a just a
18 I set off to the sound of Mick trying to tune into his sports programme .
19 What was she so tense about ? she wondered , trying to delve into the confusion in her own mind .
20 With the faint light coming from the end of the alley catching the gold of the embroidery , it looked like a man trying to climb into the space between the timbers .
21 Sometimes in the morning , the tideline was strewn with translucent green pearls : sea emeralds , the Béatois called them , dropped by Manjiku as a promise of more treasure to the women , the future mothers he was trying to lure into the waters , for these jewels only appeared overnight , and could not be fished from the sea by day .
22 She finally convinced him by trying to run into a throw , inevitably falling over and spraining her ankle .
23 Mackey , an Australian scrum-half whose short contract Warrington are trying to turn into a long one , was a constant source of danger to Widnes , and provided the final pass to enable Mark Forster to score a try in Hulmes 's absence .
24 It was bad enough he himself trying to turn into an amateur psychiatrist or psychotherapist or whatever they liked to call themselves , but to have some strange layman taking an interest in his wife , or his wife 's case , was altogether too much .
25 Remember too , we are trying to instill into our guests a feeling of comfort , quality , safety and security .
26 He was pestering people at the bar , trying to butt into their conversations or sit down at their tables and behaving — as far as people who did not know he was ill were concerned — like an archetypal northern wally .
27 ‘ It 's like trying to break into the Kremlin strongbox . ’
28 BRITISH scientists and businessmen are trying to break into a vital slice of the semiconductor industry which foreign companies now dominate .
29 ‘ Sounds as if it 's trying to break into one of the containers . ’
30 NORMAN Waller was cleared of murder this week after he admitted stabbing to death a man he believed was trying to break into his neighbour 's car .
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