Example sentences of "coming to life " in BNC.

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1 By now the camp was coming to life properly .
2 Only an hour later , in Munster , Buller Barracks is coming to life as the soldiers and civilians employed in the workshop start work .
3 Some of the men had been collecting driftwood and dry sticks and branches from among the trees ; a small fire was coming to life , crackling and spluttering sparks into the haze of heat above it .
4 Here the garden has been divided into four , each area coming to life at a different time of the year
5 However , musical silence reigns while the DSP operates a protective delay before coming to life .
6 For Russell , this was an exceptional opening into the mysteries of the craft , whilst for the College of Arms it was a great mistake as their involvement in funerals quickly declined , the embers briefly coming to life with the public obsequies of Queen Mary in 1695 .
7 Misson , in his commentary on the English funeral , tells us what happened next , and why : ‘ They let it [ the corpse ] lye three of four Days … which Time they allow , as well to give the dead Person an Opportunity of Coming to Life again , if his Soul has not quite left his Body , as to prepare Mourning , and the Ceremonies of the Funeral . ’
8 They let it lye three or four days in this Condition ; which Time they allowe , as well to give the dead Person an Opportunity of Coming to Life again , if his Soul has not quite left his Body , as to prepare Mourning , and the Ceremonies of the Funerall .
9 It was only just after seven o'clock and the course was coming to life .
10 The child must type the sentence with the words in the correct order , and is rewarded for the right answer by the picture coming to life — John jumps on his bike and cycles to school .
11 Fat sticky horse chestnut buds ; coal-black ash buds with green flower clusters in pairs on the branches ; reddish-brown oak buds splitting open to reveal tiny glossy yellow-green leaves : trees were coming to life again after the long winter
12 The Colonel was not normally one whose nerve or self-confidence could be shaken by a comrade 's torment — he had seen too much and , besides , a soldier in the field made his own luck — but sitting now in the darkness , hardly aware of the familiar sounds of a barracks coming to life , the hollow ring of that dead voice seemed to re-echo in his ears .
13 I love the fresh smell in the air when everything seems to be coming to life again and I felt a natural surge of joy , as if in a few weeks ' time John would be coming home from his first trip away just as he should have done the previous April .
14 It was the Book of Remembering coming to life .
15 Whitely Prison was coming to life .
16 Howard looks round the room , half-believing for a moment that the game he and Phil used to play might be coming to life after all .
17 It is a slow but fascinating experience , to watch your very own perfume coming to life as you sit entranced within this magical space .
18 The room fills with beige light as we lie listening to the house coming to life .
19 The teeming slums of Kampala are now coming to life .
20 Shadows moved all around them as if coming to life .
21 The hotel was coming to life : in the next room a woman was scolding a child ; there were sounds of pots and pans being shifted about in the kitchen ; eventually , from down the corridor , came a rattling of cups and saucers .
22 Erm just like the the images , rather than it just all like being in his imagination I think it all coming to life around him .
23 So the whole thing is coming to life a bit .
24 Yeah the detail 's coming to life
25 This piece , known as Dreaming Like A Tall Man , explores evolution , things coming to life .
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