Example sentences of "coming to an " in BNC.

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1 Spicer points out that the sector has thrived in a bull market but the advertising boom may be coming to an end .
2 In the spring of 1978 there were signs of the happier times coming to an end , with the pound under pressure and Healey himself attacked for anticipating tax cuts that summer in the budget he introduced in April .
3 By the mid '60s the heyday of the hairy-chested open sports car was coming to an end , surviving only on an uneasy and temporary truce with the law-makers and the environmentalist lobby .
4 JUST when they thought the good times were coming to an end , Japanese building firms are being given a batch of orders for huge infrastructure projects .
5 The decline in output seems to be coming to an end , so the economy is at or near the trough .
6 Give me patience , give me a little more patience , Alida thought , for it is soon coming to an end .
7 As the early church came to see that history was not coming to an immediate end , they also saw some permanent ministerial structure was needed .
8 Also big trousers with big tops — it was all coming to an end , but it was still OK to wear them .
9 Their relationship had been coming to an end and Miss Turner 's parents had arranged for her to go on a holiday to America to deter her from seeing him .
10 ‘ The reports we received on him were excellent and his contract was also coming to an end .
11 Her research fellowship was coming to an end , and she could not bear the prospect of ‘ hanging on ’ for another year as a freelance supervisor of undergraduates , sponging on her parents .
12 Yet the hand touching the breast now seemed like a communication , as of one who , coming to an appointed place , says humbly , here I am .
13 But his main thoughts lay elsewhere , as he realized that the desert campaign was coming to an end .
14 But , even though it discouraged optimism and ruled out the possibility of progress , it did not weigh too heavily on medieval historians , particularly because the year 1000 which had been awaited by many with a mixture of hope and trepidation , had passed without any sign of the world coming to an end .
15 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
16 Is the Irish Literary Revival coming to an end ?
17 Jean Valjean 's long and tragic life was coming to an end .
18 Nevertheless , the therapist should always deal with termination by finding out how the patient feels about treatment coming to an end .
19 In fact , just as the difficult teens are coming to an end , the young adults are off ,
20 The partners remain sanguine about speculation that their tenure of the company they founded is coming to an end .
21 The recession shows definite signs of coming to an end . ’
22 As the 1990s draw on , an era of the blues is coming to an end .
23 So why not celebrate the fact that it 's rapidly coming to an end and invest in a poignant musical reminder of 1992 … ?
24 This is a typical example of Coleridge 's influence , which extended to many other writers of the age ; but in the case of Wordsworth the period of any real exchange of ideas was rapidly coming to an end .
25 THE great British love affair with owner-occupied housing is coming to an end , according to a report yesterday .
26 ‘ It is nine weeks since his accident and only now is the acute phase of his recovery coming to an end .
27 The finance director of one of the companies says he believes that the productivity increases attributable to IT are coming to an end : ‘ Auditors are getting more productive — but it can only go to a certain level . ’
28 Recent changes in Westminster and Whitehall hold out hope that this ‘ stand-off ’ may be coming to an end .
29 On either side the drift was thick with cow parsley , its powdery white heads coming to an end of their long blooming .
30 He imagined a policeman with nothing more to go on than a tiny , once brightly embroidered , label , a square inch of bloodstained , earth-stained , half-rotted cloth , hawking it round boutiques in Kilburn and West Hendon , narrowing the field , finally coming to an importers ' warehouse …
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