Example sentences of "little more than " in BNC.

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1 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
2 To outsiders , the two events may seem little more than an international organization at work , but for Amnesty members these events are charged with significance .
3 The island 's public affairs and significant politics can occasionally be seen , out of the corner of an eye , to be no less invaded by contingency and incomprehensibility and futility than the life and times of Jimmy Ahmed , to have the status of rumour , to be little more than a remote and indecipherable response to a random outbreak of violence .
4 Many of the pubs which are passed off as ‘ historic ’ to the visitor and tourist prove to be only film-set facades on what are now little more than youthful amusement arcades or glorified fast-food cafes .
5 Some , such as froghoppers ( ‘ cuckoo spit ’ ) and flea beetles , cause little more than cosmetic damage and will be tolerated by healthy plants .
6 He scanned it — it was little more than a text of the Act .
7 But by then he had taken refuge in the church , and the service must have been little more than a conversation between him and old MacDiarmid , because not another soul had dared to run the gauntlet and go inside when the clock struck three .
8 At this level there was normally little more than ‘ The Three R's ’ : reading , writing and arithmetic .
9 The wave of interest in the rediscovery of Celtic music is particularly important , and not merely because of the Celtic-Scottish influence on Leonard 's family ( an aspect that the Montreal Gazette highlighted regarding Lyon Cohen 's Gaelic accent recently ) and American eclecticism — often little more than a slavish following of European forms — which found itself in the development of ‘ pop ’ music , notably of ragtime around 1900 and jazz around 1918 .
10 It must be said , however , that despite the beautiful detail of Piaget 's behavioural descriptions , his picture of the mental reorganizations underlying behavioural change was painted with a very broad brush ( by present-day standards ) ; and indeed the assimilation-accommodation model is little more than a description of what has to be explained , awaiting , what we now call , a ‘ computational model ’ .
11 He could do little more than watch porpoises and gulls with them .
12 She is little more than her blue eyes and green shawl , the blue and the green undismayed by the yellows and reds of the book , as the girl is by her father .
13 In some cases a bit image is little more than a memory dump of video ram .
14 While holding no important posts within the party and often dismissed as little more than a colourless clerk of little talent by Mao 's colleagues , he distinguished himself as a devoted and tireless servant both of Mao and his new wife Jiang Qing — qualities that would later prove far more important than any formal title .
15 Welch is the first to admit that when the Theatre Royal opened in 1982 it was widely regarded as a white elephant , which quickly became little more than a stopping off point for second-rate touring products .
16 However , there is a danger that the smoke could be little more than a pungent sign of burning fingers .
17 Reports of military gains by the Cambodian resistance have almost certainly been exaggerated in the last week , and estimations by the Thai and Chinese military intelligence agencies of the number of Vietnamese troops supposedly left behind in Cambodia appear little more than fanciful .
18 Mrs Merlin and her husband Christopher say radioactive contamination was behind their decision to sell the house , Mountain Ash , Ravenglass , six miles from Sellafield , which fetched only £35,000 — little more than it cost 11 years earlier .
19 It was badly scarred by the ill-fated attempt to acquire Leyland Vehicles and Land Rover , and only in recent times has it begun to reverse its image in Britain as little more than a screwdriver assembler of cars .
20 At her worst — which is to say , when her performances , all crust and no bread , seemed little more than a rash of mannerisms — she could strike one as impossibly tic-ridden and implausible .
21 The 34-year-old American was obviously not troubled by the predictions , however , as she confidently dispatched Novotna 6-2 , 6-3 in little more than an hour .
22 Only 18 months ago , it was little more than a dream , the brainchild of himself and a few radical economists , blending Mr Gorbachev 's plans for economic decentralisation with crystallising Estonian nationalism .
23 The Peking Daily , organ of the city 's ultra-conservative party organisation , accused the disgraced former leader of trying to turn the party into little more than a ‘ social club ’ shorn of power .
24 On one level the sudden and unexpected friendship thrives on little more than mutual back-scratching .
25 The speech consisted of little more than bullish assertions of the underlying dynamism and strength of the British economy .
26 The Army ordered sentries to wear flak jackets and constructed many sandbagged emplacements , although most barracks were still protected by little more than chain link fences .
27 The descent , mirrored by a similar plunge against the dollar , has taken little more than a fortnight .
28 The old idea of marketing , which in many cases was little more than selling , focused on making a better product that was easier to sell .
29 Taking the first fortnight as a whole , four-fifths of voters had heard nothing about their local Conservative , Labour , and Alliance candidates but that figure dropped to little more than half in the second fortnight .
30 Yet Pomgol was little more than a conglomerate made up of other relevant state departments .
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