Example sentences of "europe and the " in BNC.

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1 The birth of sociologie religieuse and the initial contributions of catholic institutions both in Europe and the USA to the founding of departments of sociology are rooted here rather than in the work of the founding fathers of the discipline , though clearly there are links between de Bonald , Maistre , and Durkheim on the nature of social solidarity and the concept of society , and authoritative Roman catholic social theorists .
2 Here the streets were alive with the chatter of tongues from all over Europe and the Middle East — the central meeting place of cultures , philosophies and religions , in which many found their roots .
3 In essence , though , it was to be ‘ a play about modern Europe and the peace we 're living in ’ .
4 A charming children 's story in which a small helicopter takes on the biggest financial brains in Europe and the USA , and loses badly .
5 The narrator identifies a larger issue behind this slight : it is the conflict between two kinds of Jewishness , between the embattled , coarse-grained immigrant from Europe and the wordly , go-ahead American , who rates business acumen and individual assertion over the value of community ties .
6 There is one market across Europe and the prices the Germans and Italians will pay are even surprising the French .
7 They were out of line with the procedures of most socialist parties in Europe and the growing democracy within the trade union movement .
8 Britain still has the highest debt to income ratio in Europe and the appetite for credit may not be blunted until the review date comes and with it the monetary day of doom .
9 The US telecommunications industry , which became subject to foreign competition on the dismantling of the Bell System , has reacted by attempting to enter foreign markets , especially those of Europe and the Far East .
10 ‘ It is a macabre thought ’ , wrote Monica Furlong in the Spectator ( 30 June ) , ‘ that if the Canterbury Special had crashed last Tuesday morning it would have wiped out at one go practically the whole of the English episcopate together with numerous foreign archbishops and bishops , most of the Orthodox patriarchs , the leaders of the Lutheran Churches in half a dozen countries of Europe and the heads of our own Free Churches . ’
11 One was the need for reassurance in a world of visibly consolidating Great Powers — from the United States in the West to the Teutonic and Slav empires in Europe and the East .
12 Dawson 's first book , The Age of the Gods ( 1928 ) , subtitled A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East , began by noting that ‘ During the last thirty years the great development of archaeological and anthropological studies has prepared the way for a new conception of history . ’
13 They thus explain the rise of feudalism in Europe and the corresponding absence of city states as due to the fact that ‘ the different starting point was determined by the sparseness of the population at that time ’ [ p. 45 ] .
14 Latin American art has been undergoing such a review both from within Latin America itself and from elsewhere , with several exhibitions and books on the subject in the last few years in Europe and the US .
15 Production of the Continental R will begin in November , with only 70 units being allocated to each of Rolls-Royce 's four main territories — the UK , the United States , Europe and the Far East — in the first year .
16 The Yalta agreement of February 1945 had already enshrined the right of the Soviets to retain their forward positions in Eastern Europe and the Potsdam conference later that year further divided up the former Third Reich .
17 Reflecting both the sense of momentous events in Eastern Europe and the desire to strengthen the political role of the European Parliament , MEPs were unexpectedly addressed yesterday both by Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , President of the European Council .
18 PRESIDENT Bush last night pledged that US military forces ‘ will remain in Europe as long as our friends want and need us ’ , no matter how great the changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union .
19 The BBC and Ireland 's RTE will beam the Irish rock band U2 live , via stereo radio satellite , to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union on New Year 's Eve as a tribute to ‘ the massive recent changes ’ in the Eastern bloc .
20 Research groups in Europe and the US have been concentrating on altering the genetic structure of certain animals to make their organs more acceptable to the human body .
21 Although much of the attention at the summit was inevitably focused on the changes in Eastern Europe and the drive towards monetary union , the starting point for the talks , particularly from the British delegation 's viewpoint , was the need to speed up the 1992 reforms .
22 The charge for us all then is to work together toward the New Europe and the New Atlanticism .
23 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
24 It promises sweeping freedoms , a new economic order , a commitment to a united Europe and the separation of the executive and judiciary .
25 The conflict between abhorrence of the institution and the political expediency which obliges Greens to seek seats in it leads to a rather antiphonal quality in much of what the Greens have to say on Europe and the devolution of power to the regions .
26 Michael Heseltine , the former British Defence Secretary , warned the Royal Institute of International Affairs on 23 November that the Soviet Union had identified environmental anxieties in Western Europe and the United States as offering an opportunity for mischief-making .
27 Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union could be equally disillusioning , of course , and when the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh Pemberton , spoke to the Overseas Bankers ' Club in February 1990 on lending to East Europe , he put his call for caution in the context of the losses sustained in the South .
28 Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union are object lessons about the dangers of letting industry befoul the environment in the name of economic growth .
29 And closer collaboration would be sought with Western Europe and the Commonwealth , particularly with Australia .
30 Perhaps in response to this call for negotiations ( though that is something that the administration would not admit ) , Mr Baker is set to make another tour of allied capitals in Europe and the Middle East , during which he would , at the very least , be available for a meeting in Baghdad .
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