Example sentences of "based on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Derrida 's admirers , and perhaps some disinterested observers , would reject such charges as based on misunderstandings of his work .
2 At worst , Western politicians , and some academic and journalistic commentators , have shared the mentality of the apparatchiks , but most have remained attached to their illusions that differences between East and West were based on misunderstandings rather than fundamental disagreements .
3 There is a good deal of mythology and misapprehension based on misunderstandings about sound-symbol relationship and its connection with where symbols occur in words .
4 A few areas of early industrialization also suffered losses , in north-east Lancashire and West Yorkshire , where cramped sites based on water power were no longer economic .
5 The FoE survey , based on water companies ' unpublished returns to the Drinking Water Inspectorate , showed that 14.5 million people received drinking water breaching the standard for pesticides and 3.5 million had supplies containing nitrate above the legal limit .
6 In a statement on Sept. 27 the Iranian News Agency ( IRNA ) said that the decision to renew diplomatic relations with the UK was based on Iran 's acceptance of " remarks by British officials announcing respect for Islam , Moslem values and sanctities " .
7 Last Chance to See , based on Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine 's survey of endangered species , includes the text of the book read by Adams , as well as over 500 colour photographs and supplementary information .
8 We may anticipate that there will be a stable length right at the start of the pipe ( the Reynolds number based on boundary layer thickness being small here ) , followed by the unstable region , this being followed in turn by another stable region as the profile approaches Poiseuille flow .
9 Er , does n't er er , is based on congestion , and and and and other factors , and it does n't address the er , the the needs we have er in developing this county , and and to achieve it 's er it 's potential .
10 Based on Shiffrin ( 1970 ) .
11 We may prefer arrangements based on institutions like the church and the shop but gangs and parties are also forms of social institution , not perhaps quite so easy to break down and displace as ‘ disorganization , would imply .
12 The parable is based on Isaiah 5:1–7 where there is an Old Testament ‘ parable ’ about a vineyard that yielded only wild grapes .
13 Helen , of course , is based on depiction of Helen , on Maria Bronte .
14 Arguments based on deference to the judgment of corporate managers or those based on the finding of a personal interest or a non-corporate purpose on the part of the directors have the appearance of mere slogans to justify either judicial restraint or intervention .
15 It is arguable that the performance measures based on portfolio performance , to which fund managers are currently held , do not provide an environment in which there would be any significant advantage for fund managers who had closer relations with auditors .
16 The centre itself , run by fulltime general manager Peter Rodger , turns over £4.5 million a year , based on income from work-space rental and training , conference and exhibition facilities .
17 Other general problems associated with using measures based on income include the difficulty of taking into account fringe benefits and payment-in-kind , gifts , and personal services ( Townsend 1974 ) .
18 Assessments of less than £1 were not made in the subsidy , and nearly all below £2 were based on wages , except for a few based on income from land ; and since the statutory proviso , doubtless intended to allay fears raised by the inquest of 1522 , restricted taxation to one form of wealth only , any personal property belonging to persons so taxed was ignored .
19 The fairest local levy is one based on income , but there 's no hope for this Lib-Dem idea .
20 A third notion is that organic life — carbon-based life — was preceded by ‘ living ’ clays , based on silicon , as described by Professor Cairn-Smith that some of these clays gathered organic molecules around them , which increased their chemical versatility , and that the organic components eventually abandoned the silicon-based templates that had given rise to them .
21 If forms of life exist whose chemistry is based on silicon rather than carbon , or ammonia rather than water , if creatures are discovered that boil to death at — 100 degrees centigrade , if a form of life is found that is not based on chemistry at all but on electronic reverberating circuits , will there still be any general principle that is true of all life ?
22 ( There are other reasons why complicated molecules based on silicon are less likely to occur , but these are beyond our present scope . )
23 These include the ability for users to define articulation and constraints such as degrees of rotation ; the ability to test the behaviour of three-dimensional objects within the system interactively ; and inclusion of source code for immersive real-time applications based on Silicon Graphics 's tools .
24 Going beyond the Common Japanese Application Binary Interface ( OCMP-ABI ) , the group has added new standards for 3D graphics ( based on Silicon Graphics ' Open GL software ) and I/O bus hardware and software ( using the 110Mb per second APbus , and Euroboard specifications ) .
25 When pig husbandry is based on pasture , control is extremely difficult because of the ubiquity and longevity of the earthworm intermediate host .
26 The research will investigate how the mechanisms of pre-verbal communication based on comprehension and production of gaze and pointing are related to each other and how they change between 6 and 18 months of age .
27 The play , which is based on Byron 's poetry , arrives in London after being staged in Russia , Israel and Los Angeles .
28 The prediction of response was based on pretreatment aspartate aminotransferase levels , the presence of a history of acute hepatitis and HIV-antibody status .
29 Based on name given by Armstrong .
30 In the case of land , statutory provisions may give priority to a later contract registered as a land charge even if entered into with knowledge of an earlier , unregistered transaction , but it seems that this affects only proprietary rights and does not bar an action in tort based on interference with the earlier contract .
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