Example sentences of "based [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Spanish candidacy is being supported by Turin , one of the six cities in which the six seeds will be based for the first round .
2 In his chapter , ‘ Building on the class reader ’ , Foggin echoes the views of many of the English teachers to whom I spoke when he describes his English teaching as being substantially class reader based for the reason that :
3 In November 1989 it was announced that the Falkland Islands Company ( now owned by Anglo United , a UK-based mining and fuel distribution group which had taken over Coalite , the Falkland Islands Company 's existing owner , in August 1989 ) would be appointing a chief executive who would be based for the first time on the islands themselves .
4 Palestinian guerrillas , based for the most part around Sidon , proved to be the main obstacle to a full dissolution of the Lebanese militias .
5 Since 1978 the World Bank has been publishing an annual World Development Report with a growing number of ‘ world development indicators ’ tables ( eighteen tables in 1978 , twenty-seven in 1983 , thirty-three in 1988 ) , based for the most part on UN and internal World Bank data sources .
6 This ability is independent of idiosyncratic beliefs , feelings and usages ( although it may refer to those shared by participants ) , and is based for the most part on quite regular and relatively abstract principles Pragmatics can be taken to be the description of this ability , as it operates both for particular languages and language in general .
7 They 're based for the next few weeks at RAF Lyneham , which is proud to be playing host to one of the most spectacular display teams in the world .
8 It can be argued , to the contrary , that the more the courts are opened up to arguments based about the interests of the public or of significant sections of it rather than of particular individuals , the more likely are the judges to be drawn into political battles which ought to be resolved in the political arena and not in courts .
9 The Georgian independent republic was the most solidly based of the three .
10 Intelligence is essential , although successful School or University examinations may not have been possible through damage to shore term memory ( upon which facility most examinations are based throughout the phase of active addiction .
11 Six people spoke on behalf of CADNO , a protest group based near the Trawsfynydd nuclear power station in North Wales .
12 Robert Wilson is an executive director of Baronsmead Associates , a smallish venture capital company based near the City of London in Clerkenwell .
13 Currently most departments , including sales , accounts and laboratories are based near the centre of Le Havre in premises built in the early 1900s .
14 Meena will be based with the Fieldwork Services Unit in Astral House .
15 For the last few years Pinfield had been based with the Langham Group , a somewhat elitist special projects body under Anthony Pellisier charged with producing very experimental forms of drama — using techniques like inlay , overlay and split screening ; for example , matting caption slide backgrounds over black drape stages .
16 There will be six major TV spectaculars in the run-up to the contest , and A special camera unit will be based with the Irish team to bring fans the inside stories .
17 Glasgow design event based along the lines of Designers ' Saturday organised by a group of Glasgow designers and architects as part of the City 's Cultural celebrations .
18 Government troops were also fighting Karen rebels along the Thai border around Manerplaw , other Kachin rebels in the north-west of Myanma and Naga rebels based along the border with the Indian state of Nagaland .
19 The government offensive against Karen rebels based along the Thai border escalated during March .
20 Discussion will be based under the following main headings :
21 Ultimately , the two variables of impinging stimulus and evoked sensation are internally rather than externally related ; for our estimate of the properties of the impinging stimulus — and the decision as to whether or not those properties ‘ justify ’ the sensation they give rise to — is based upon the norms of , necessarily subjective , experience .
22 Since Sherrington 's classic The Integrative Action of the Nervous System , there has been much talk of ‘ the integrative activity of the nervous system ’ , based upon the convergence of nervous pathways .
23 A low-level approach based upon the pixel information used to display a digital image , sometimes referred to as bit mapped , raster based , or image file .
24 The American Constitution is based upon the concept of liberty rather than strong , decisive government .
25 The Public Service Ideal is based upon the realization that the limited set of existing news sources are no longer pamphlets distributed in the market-place , they are the market-place itself ; no longer speakers in a public debate , but the platform on which that debate must take place .
26 The Labour government found itself under pressure from three directions : from the left wing , largely concentrated in the ILP ; from the TUC , which , under the leadership of Citrine and Bevin , was coming to a new view of the causes of unemployment , one based upon the writings of John Maynard Keynes ; and from Sir Oswald Mosley and his supporters .
27 This conclusion was based upon the general perception that pre-1939 aviation was overly competitive and unregulated , and subject to vicious throat-cutting in the national interest .
28 Spielberg , accustomed to close encounters in the extra-terrestrial sphere , has offered to be creative consultant on a drama-documentary loosely based upon the book , which has sold over 300,000 hardback copies in the UK and has been reprinted fourteen times .
29 Divorce of this kind was first introduced into English law by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 , and from then until 1969 it was based upon the doctrine that some matrimonial offence ( such as adultery or desertion ) must have been committed by one spouse before the other could obtain relief .
30 The British Nationality Act 1981 , which currently governs this topic , is based upon the aim , seen in many other countries , of making a person 's nationality or citizenship accord with the country with which he is most really connected .
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