Example sentences of "role for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Vincente caddied for him for a while but it was an awkward role for a big brother .
2 All these bodies favoured a role for a European Environment Agency that involved the collection and collation of data from EC member countries .
3 The shell plays the same role for a snail as the stone house does for a caddis larva .
4 To fulfil a positive role for a profession , its education and training programme should equip candidates for what will be demanded of them in their future careers .
5 A way forward indicated in the Wagner Report ( 1988 , p. 3.6 ) identified a role for a nominated social worker .
6 Experienced social workers were given a case manager role for a small case load of such elderly people , with the task of keeping them in their own homes on a budget of two-thirds the cost of residential care in a local authority home .
7 This is a role for a commercially aware innovator who works well in a team .
8 Whilst that remains a possibility , it would be an extreme position to adopt , and it is still possible to visualize a full role for a dynasty of Minoan kings .
9 Arguments against a role for a G protein-linked mechanism for generating InsP 3 have come from experiments in which phorbol esters failed to block fertilization but could inhibit the events activated by injecting GTP- γ S into hamster eggs .
10 Whilst there is undoubtedly a role for a new publication in this important field the accompanying publicity material gives some cause for concern , speaking as it does of ‘ These new orientations [ which ] impinge first of all on the modes of exogeneous interactivity … ’ .
11 It stresses the need for one agency , voluntary or statutory , to be given a clear lead role for a particular service or project development .
12 2 The personal will of the King was no longer decisive in government , and the effective choice of the Prime Minister and his leading Cabinet colleagues passed out of his hands and became a major role for a powerful House of Commons .
13 This chapter assumes that the organization sees some definite role for a marketing department , even if it is not a comprehensive marketing role .
14 Given that it would remove the functions of the Secretary of State for Scotland to a Scottish Parliament , the hon. and learned Gentleman would presumably accept that there is no role for a Scottish Secretary of State , or Scottish Prime Minister to use his terminology , within the United Kingdom Cabinet .
15 He will stay on in a consultancy role for a few months until his successor settles into the job .
16 Alternatively , there may be a role for a central government .
17 There will be a role for every age group within fostering , whether they are couples , single parents or single people without children of their own .
18 As you read you will probably be aware of a character 's potential as a role for the actor — particularly with those who have already an established place in theatrical tradition ( Dickens is full of such characters ) .
19 US-based companies will play a major role for the first time , but the Japanese are not expected to be heavily involved .
20 They are offended by his tentative steps towards recognising a role for the Pope even outside the Church of England .
21 Church-state law experts said a role for the Pope in the Anglican church was unlikely to provoke a constitutional crisis , if he was given only an honorary position .
22 But in a political party , there 's a role for the sceptic .
23 Here , chi-squared analysis would show a significantly greater decision-making role for the husband in Italy compared with the USA .
24 Authoritarians of the left , right , and centre — including right-wing dictators , old-style communists , and post-colonial governments in developing countries — have all of them espoused the Mobilizing Ideal as the proper role for the mass media .
25 The Commonwealth remained in large measure a ceremonial affair after 1960 , with a role for the Queen as figurehead , with cricket matches and Rhodes scholarships to preserve links with the older dominions , and little effectual attempt to exert collective pressure on the apartheid policy within South Africa .
26 A second influence has been the judgement that too dominant a role for the state weakens the values of individual self-reliance , family and community solidarity , and private charity .
27 The dominant thread has been a key role for the state in both the accumulation and distribution of wealth echoing the role of pre-colonial states such as Asante , Buganda and UrOzwi discussed in Chapter 4 .
28 These priorities imply , on the domestic front , the attempt to maintain a continuing powerful role for the state , the economic dominance of a fairly small elite and an indifference to the welfare of rural peasant farmers , complicated as this may be by political loyalties to certain tribal groups .
29 If the historical trajectory of the Scrapbook is followed ( SI through Fluxus , Heatwave , King Mob , Jamie Reid , Vivienne Westwood , and the Sex Pistols ) the Situationist role for the intellectual as an informed but passionate critic gives way to philistine incitements to violence ( typified by King Mob in Britain , the Motherfuckers in the USA , and also indirectly the punk phenomenon ) but more commonly a laidback and philosophically weak critique of everyday life .
30 The two main political parties — Tories and Liberals — agreed on a minimal role for the state in the nation 's affairs .
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