Example sentences of "to say a [det] " in BNC.

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1 That is to say a little evidence against it will cause him agonies of doubt and self-mistrust , moderate amounts will cause some real concern and a pursing of his lips — but total and irrefutable proof of his law 's inaccuracy , its illogic , its basic and undeniable untenability , will cause him to cling to it in all its unmodified entirety with the tenacity and single-mindedness of a barnacle .
2 Can I ask you Professor Lock to say a little about what you consider the housing implications of such a policy might be ?
3 Nikita Sergeyevich asked to be allowed to say a few words to the Central Committee plenum that would be held immediately afterwards .
4 The occasion was the annual dinner of the Corporation of London 's planning and Communication Committee at the Mansion House , when Charles seized the opportunity to say a few words about the plans for the redevelopment of Paternoster Square .
5 But , before doing so , he asked the Prime Minister if she wished to say a few words .
6 A mixture of something old and something new , everybody here at Club has his or her own favourite , and we 've also asked a few personalities to say a few words about their number 1 trip .
7 And at the cemetery the vicar , a man who looked as if he needed far more consolation than he would ever be capable of dispensing , had agreed to say a few words before Henry 's address .
8 Finally , I want to say a few words about the problems with our present laws , especially in relation to welfare .
9 My job was to say a few words that might comfort both groups .
10 At the beginning of a recording session , start by asking each speaker in turn to say a few words .
11 Introductions are important , and to say a few encouraging words about each individual can be helpful .
12 When would the fourth pall-bearer arrive , because , although the labouring side of his assignment was being carried out , he was the first to be called by Alan to say a few words , and also why was the organist playing in such a muted fashion ?
13 ‘ My dear Jane and friends , ’ he said , ‘ I am greatly privileged to have been asked to say a few words today .
14 I must explain here that , as neither Nigel nor I had religion , I had arranged the two speakers and then planned to say a few words myself , to thank everyone , in and out of sight .
15 This is such a diverse field and so open to personal preference that I only intend to say a few words about it .
16 ‘ But first I 'd like to say a few words about myself .
17 Towards evening the Collector gave the order for everyone who could be spared from the ramparts to assemble in the hall , he wanted to say a few words to the garrison .
18 Before the programme starts you will be invited to say a few words for the sound balance .
19 It is desirable to say a few words about Reg. v. Skipp [ 1975 ] Crim.L.R. 114 and Reg. v. Fritschy [ 1985 ] Crim.L.R. 745 .
20 There is no escape ; I have to say a few words about the properties of materials .
21 Finally , I want to say a few words about the assumption of " slowly varying currents " in connection with the last example .
22 ‘ I 'm sorry to keep you waiting , ’ he went on , ‘ but those of you who have been here before will know that I like to say a few words to break the ice before we get down to the real business of the weekend .
23 Later , I heard Mrs Goreng coaxing Kaptan to say a few foreign sentences in front of his father .
24 Can I now ask the General Secretary to say a few words .
25 I thank my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon ( Mr. Amess ) for allowing me to say a few words on a matter that is so important to my constituents and to his .
26 With the leave of the House , I wish to say a few words in reply .
27 I wish to say a few words about what measures we would be considering if we had the misfortune to have a Labour Government .
28 The McCaw wit is as sharp as his memory and , to nobody 's surprise , George was asked to say a few words at the first of many parties to mark Lurgan 's Centenary .
29 Second I want to say a few words about the efforts that have been made in the last twelve months to increase the G M B's role in the building and civil engineering industries and third I want to say something about the present serious situation in the building industry pay talks .
30 Lord has asked me to say a few words about erm er , directors ' salaries and particularly about his own .
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