Example sentences of "to say [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Expectations of confidentiality and silence prevent many accounts from reaching fruition , for as the revelations of Spycatcher ( Wright and Greenglass 1986 ) revealed , it is not necessarily what is written which causes the pain ; rather it is the breach of the convention which requires members in various arms of the executive to say nothing about their practices .
2 She planned to say nothing about her ram-raid revenge — but contacted police to confess when they appealed for witnesses .
3 Tell her to say nothing about the child .
4 Miss Dunstable decided to say nothing about the Rector 's imperfectly ironed surplice .
5 Melanie decided to say nothing about new pyjamas for herself until the need became really pressing .
6 Then , after I heard about Sir Charles ’ death , Stapleton told me to say nothing about my letter and the meeting .
7 ‘ You 'll have your work cut out to do that — to say nothing about having to contend with Matt 's opposition to the idea .
8 And with a possible place in Europe at stake , to say nothing about the title , even the slightest mistake in the closing stages could be costly .
9 Terence would not mention his own name to anybody , he was confident of that , but he must be told to say nothing about the rest of it , to anyone .
10 She , too , was unhappy about the play — to say nothing about the fact that all too few people carne to see her in her dressing room , a circumstance that was startling to her , even though she did n't react in the way that Ken himself would have done .
11 Like some of your more illustrious colleagues ( Ron Atkinson , Graham Taylor , etc. ) , you have a tendency to say a lot but to say nothing at the same time .
12 ‘ Why should n't I , when for the past four years I 've been allowed to say nothing at all ? ’
13 But should , to say nothing at all , the matter not being drawn to the attention at all was , was not right .
14 Americans are scrupulously careful to say nothing on the record about enlargement of the Community : that , they say , is a matter for the Europeans .
15 Well , Pete decided to say nothing on that subject .
16 He knew he could trust her to say nothing to their mother .
17 ‘ For the present , I must ask you to say nothing to anybody about this aspect of the case . ’
18 Although she begged me to say nothing to her father , I went straight to the master and told him .
19 By the time I get back to this dump we 're staying in I 've decided to say nothing to Rachel .
20 and I told Susan like , but I told her not to say nothing to nobody and she goes , told Clare she never said I said anything and Susan goes to her oh you think you 're right again , and I said yes
21 and I told Susan like , but I told her not to say nothing to nobody and she goes , told Clare she never said I said anything and Susan goes to her oh you think you 're right again , and I said yes
22 Gainsborough 's house … to say nothing of huge grey sweeps of empty beach from which , at Aldeburgh , you can buy goggle-eyed skate direct from the fishing boats as they come out of the water .
23 Civilization had to be more than a mere confluence of economic interests : ‘ And until we set in order our own crazy economic and financial systems , to say nothing of our philosophy of life , can we be sure that our helping hands to the barbarian and the savage will be any more desirable than the embrace of the leper ? ’
24 The unusual , to say nothing of the bizarre , seems always to lurk close by the main door of Maine Road .
25 The unusual , to say nothing of the bizarre , seems always to lurk close by the main door of Maine Road .
26 To say nothing of the fact that ‘ charity ’ should not have been invoked in this issue , the fact was that the excruciating passion levels broke all records on this outing , bust all guts .
27 To say nothing of his general right of liberty or reputation , his rights as a husband or a parent are not proprietary rights , nor is his right to recover damages for personal injury or defamation ; but we may include among proprietary rights the right to recover damages though unliquidated ( i.e. of uncertain amount until settled by a judge or jury ) for breach of contract , or , probably , even for injury to his property .
28 Getting in would be hazardous ; to say nothing of getting out , but it was his only chance .
29 By the time of her seventieth birthday she had served on the Board of Governors of the BBC , the Corporation 's General Advisory Council , the Arts Council and the British Council and their respective literary committees , to say nothing of her work with such organizations as the Royal Society of Literature .
30 The leaders of the Trades Union Congress , governors of the BBC , the Archbishops of York and Canterbury , to say nothing of grand figures like the former foreign secretary , Lord Halifax , the former chancellor and home secretary who gave his name to the wartime Anderson shelter , Lord Waverley , and the sainted Lady Violet Bonham Carter were all against .
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