Example sentences of "need [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You may well ask what particular statistical skills you need as a practising manager .
2 Instead , the Greeks embarked on an argument about the name of the place in the course of which they cosied up to Serbia ( which is the chief danger to the peaceful , democratic Balkans they want ) and bullied Macedonia ( which they need as a buffer between themselves and Serbia ) .
3 Better by far to tackle equity withdrawal on big loans , where better-off house-buyers borrow £20,000 more than they need for a house-purchase , to buy that flashy car they have always wanted .
4 There is a relaxed atmosphere and everything you need for a great holiday is here .
5 Like here in the north of Australia , I 've been waiting for two days for the light I need for a shot of some valleys .
6 All you need for a marker is a Fishing Gazette pike bung or a piece of polystyrene tied to a stone with a length of line about 12 inches longer than the depth of swim .
7 These years will not count as part of your working life , and the number of qualifying years you need for a full pension will be reduced .
8 Need for a multiple approach
9 Arrangements are also supplied for the church and reception , with presentation bouquets , corsages — everything you need for a wonderful floral day .
10 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winners ' certificates .
11 Sometimes we come very close to the world outside , for example when we hear someone say the words we need for a piece of writing we 're involved in we commit it lovingly to memory so we can use it .
12 ‘ He 's just the horse you need for a competitive race like the Andy Capp Handicap . ’
13 If you have just gained the exam results you need for a place at university or college , or for a job , than congratulations !
14 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
15 Need for a coherent strategy
16 Luxury hotels where comfort is the key , with everything you need for a really relaxing weekend .
17 Many of these , like the Forte Hotel Village , are fully self-contained , you might describe them as small holiday resorts in their own right , offering everything you need for a marvellous stay in unspoilt surroundings , away from the more commercialised resort areas .
18 On to Wing On Street , better known as Cloth Alley , where you can find silks , linens and wools at incredibly low prices , and where the salesmen know exactly how much you need for a shirt or a suit .
19 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
20 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
21 With a good area of fine pebbles , patches of shade , areas of sun , a fresh water shower , a big barbecue grill and a neighbouring taverna it 's got everything you need for a comfortable day , and a few pleasant social evenings too .
22 ( a ) Need for a proxy
23 Automatic crystallisation is not a term of art but covers at least two situations which at first blush appear dissimilar ; one is where the charge is made to crystallise on the happening of an event provided for in the charge without there being any need for a further act by the chargee and the other is where the charge is made to crystallise on the serving of a notice of crystallisation on the company .
24 Things people need for a basic quality of life .
25 And those sturdy thighs of hers are just what you need for a good rumbustious kazatzki .
26 All You Need for a Fun Day Out …
27 ‘ We will have no difficulty in getting the fifty signatures we need for a Special General Meeting .
28 Well , you ought to know it well enough to write five or six lines about it , which is all you need for a book .
29 Plus there are adhesive strips , banger strips , mottos and hats — everything you need for a cracking cracker .
30 All the kit you need for a day at the races .
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