Example sentences of "either of the " in BNC.

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1 Had either of the teams won , they would have taken the League leadership .
2 Interactions with other young increase , and similar-aged individuals will form into groups , either of the same or of mixed sex .
3 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
4 It shows no evidence of resisting the demands either of the federal government or of the national banks ( and hence the governments ) of the republics and provinces .
5 Accuracy of digital data collection ( either of the power lines or residential locations ) is paramount .
6 It failed to convince readers either of the case against nationalism or of that for the policies of slow African advance being put forward by the Government .
7 Indeed , in many societies disease may itself be viewed as a sign of moral failure , either of the victim or of some ‘ witch ’ .
8 We can now say that the meaning of an individual word is valuational to the extent that its prime role is to make the statements in which it occurs express certain attitudes , and that it is descriptive if its prime role is to specify the content either of the belief or of the attitude which sentences in which it occurs express .
9 So far as the whole personality does not fall victim to the pressures either of the external environment or what one might call the internal environment of its own parts — in the form of various lusts and obsessions — it achieves its only conceivable goal , that of prosperous possession , in the fullest manner , of its own nature .
10 Yet international trade and the major enterprises were generally in the hands either of the Tsar or of foreigners , and the privileges granted Western entrepreneurs were not withdrawn until late in the century .
11 Unfortunately the conscientious student who reads the official reports will find no mention either of the Hotspur or of the Félicité and may naturally experience doubts as to whether there ever was a Captain Hornblower , but if he once accepts Hornblower 's existence he may at least agree that Hornblower 's action in this case displayed remarkable self-denial as well as the clarity of vision worthy of a hero of fiction .
12 Most rooms , have interesting views either of the square or hills and vineyards that produce the local ‘ Vernaccia ’ .
13 In the liberal view , the notion of class interest offers no satisfactory explanation for the policies either of the State or of opposition parties .
14 I doubt whether a judge , either of the High Court or of the county court , would have regarded himself as qualified to make an assessment of so substantial a claim .
15 Er it is n't either of the er ponds
16 Turning to the boy , he said firmly , ‘ If you ever again raise your hand to either of the children or your mother , I shall …
17 For instance , the theme of the third sentence , It , does not relate to either of the previous themes or rhemes .
18 Accordingly , social policy need not be interpreted in terms either of the continuous evolution of a welfare state inspired by humanitarian ideals or of a conspiracy to manipulate a powerless proletariat .
19 By using forward stepwise Cox regression analysis , age at operation , tonsillectomy , and radiographic size of adenoids and airway were not significantly related to the duration of glue ear in either of the surgery or no surgery groups .
20 ‘ Have either of the dead men been identified yet ? ’ another man asked , puffing on his cigarette .
21 This is , of course , a far more optimistic view of the location and nature of power in capitalist society than either of the elite or Marxist theories which we have outlined .
22 You 'll have a selection of photographs taken , either of the whole family or just mother and baby if preferred .
23 But the largest and most common seizures were normally of cannabis either of the herbal type or the more concentrated cannabis resin .
24 Beside her stood a child , not either of the twins .
25 At common law the dealer is not normally the agent either of the finance company or of the customer .
26 The level of youth unemployment in an area may reflect the characteristics either of the area itself ( eg the absence of expanding industry ) or of the young people who live there ( eg their educational qualifications ) , or some combination of the two .
27 This decision might have been regarded as one asserting the value of individual choice , but the Court put it on a rather different basis , saying that ‘ the implementation of the rights conferred on the employees by the Directive could not be dependent on the consent either of the transferor or of the transferee or of the employees themselves , wit
28 The concern of the six states of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) stemmed from several considerations : regret that two neighbouring Muslim states should be spilling one another 's blood ; anxiety lest the conflict provoke the intervention of one or both superpowers , with dangerous consequences ; fear lest member states be attacked by one of the belligerents if they were suspected of sympathizing with the other ; a feeling that a conflict of this sort diverted Arab and outside world attention and resources from the paramount issue of palestine ; a desire not to see either belligerent emerge from the conflict so strengthened by the spoils of victory as to become the most powerful entity in the Gulf ; and , finally , anxiety lest their internal security should be threatened as a by-product either of the war or of Iran 's revolution .
29 One of the issues to be resolved between the vendor and purchaser is the question of whether the purchaser is willing to take over either of the debtors or creditors of the business or whether one or both of these will remain with the vendor after completion of the sale .
30 The return day fixes the date either of the hearing or , if the court so directs , of a pre-trial review ( Ord 3 , r 4(5) ) .
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