Example sentences of "need in [art] " in BNC.

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1 To care for , teach and train a child , giving them the love and discipline they need in a secure home , requires all the intelligence and skill a woman possesses .
2 ‘ This historic loco is just the attraction and boost we need in a recession , and I 'm confident it 'll be just as popular with the public in Devon as it proved to be on the Bodmin & Wenford Railway in Cornwall . ’
3 The pages ( 990 of them ) are full of helpful screen diagrams but I missed the ‘ idiot 's ’ step by step command style that I 've convinced myself I need in a manual — but then Windows 3.1 secrets is n't FOR idiot 's .
4 This will create a seating island which is probably all you need in a confined space .
5 ‘ I do n't see why you ca n't have a private line , though it defeats the object of getting people to send you things you need in a hurry . ’
6 We shall go on improving education and training to guarantee that all our children have the basic knowledge and skills they need in a modern economy .
7 It is the level of responsibility , measured in terms of time span , that tells you how many layers you need in an enterprise — not the number of subordinates or the magnitude of sales or profits .
8 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
9 It might appear that , in order properly to understand the moral causes of political phenomena , we need in the end to have understood the natural phenomena which cause moral phenomena .
10 Here , they find the light they need in the spring , but as the sun gets hotter the growth of surrounding vegetation gives them some welcome shade .
11 Sometimes organisms acquire the particular materials they need in the form of the element ; oxygen , for example , is taken in largely in the form of oxygen gas .
12 Especially in secondary schools , teachers have always been subject to the constraints of this system , based on what their pupils need in the way of qualifications , as well as the more general considerations of what their pupils ought to know .
13 All the journalists need in the way of facilities are typewriters , telephones , and copies of the papers to be presented at the meeting .
14 Just the friend you need in the kitchen , the processor , which comes complete with a blender attachment , is perfect for those mouthwatering mousses , spicy sauces and delicious sponges .
15 Foreign language teachers might say that their students already know how to communicate and interact in their own language ; what they need in the foreign language are formal skills and knowledge — pronunciation , vocabulary , grammar — which will provide the basis for communicating and interacting .
16 And on the building society side , that 's your instant access fund , y anything you need in the meantime , if we 've said that we want to achieve eight hundred a month income , and that 's really the basic income , any holidays , any incidentals , come from this account .
17 Route Seventeen Account holders not only get easy access to their savings but also easy access to the experience and expertise of The Royal Bank of Scotland staff who will provide all the help and advice you need in the way you need it .
18 I 'm sure you 'll find it comfortable , but if there 's anything you need in the night do let me know .
19 Pros Everything you need in the way of FAX facilities with a pleasant way of working Cons Nothing significant
20 What we need in the present case is further evidence to persuade us that the proposal to distinguish ordinary attributives as ( 37 ) ( a ) and postnominal attributives as ( 37 ) ( c ) goes beyond the mere possibility of correlating the two intensional patterns to the two different surface constructions .
21 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
22 They 're the same now as they were in the fifties when making presentations and that 's about the skills you need when you stand up to speak and the skills you need in the preparation phase so the two towers of presentation skills are about the preparation and the presentation itself .
23 He says we 've actually made it clear on our planning application that we 're prepared to look very carefully at the mix and size and type of housing to ensure it fits what local people need in the area .
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