Example sentences of "either [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By systematically manipulating either the antecedents or consequences it may be possible to reduce the problem behaviours .
2 The methods manipulate either the antecedents or consequences of the problem behaviour .
3 We can then predict changes in the behaviour as consequences of changes in either the antecedents or consequences according to the laws of operant learning .
4 Can he therefore confirm that either the Secretary of State has breached the security rules or that the excuse of national security has been used merely to cover the fact that the Government made the decisions on political rather than on military grounds ?
5 Rhodes considered that there had been an improved performance in services which were the sole responsibility of either the GLC or the boroughs : but of those services which were shared ‘ only the group of transportation functions seems to show any marked advantages ; over both housing and planning there hang certain question marks ’ ( Rhodes 1972:468 ) .
6 As in the case of the early home-grown British firms , many of the Big Four's consultants were of the first two types of headhunter we have identified : either the aristocrat with the old-boy network contacts or the practical selection and management consultant type whose experience was more in personnel than commerce and industry .
7 ‘ Sometimes , old boy — and I speak as one who has changed a good many nappies in his time and is not a total stranger to either the washing-up bowl or the kitchen stove — sometimes I wish we were still living in the good old bad old days . ’
8 Ministers insisted that both projects should be financed by the private sector and the Channel Tunnel Act specifically prohibits the British Government from subsidising either the tunnel or transport infrastructure linked to it .
9 Each step command , from either the delay circuits or the clock , decrements the downcounter , which therefore records the number of step commands to be issued before the target is reached .
10 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
11 In other words they deny that education is necessarily a means to an end , and argue instead that either the content or the processes of teaching and learning can have intrinsic educational value .
12 Unless the gutter has split or cracked , it is most likely that either the gutter ( or downpipe ) is blocked and needs clearing ( page 78 ) or that a bracket has given way and the gutter is sagging .
13 Lateralised processing mechanisms may be engaged at either the acoustic , phonetic , syntactic or semantic levels of language .
14 Either the Psalm gives a very different version of the events of 167 or it refers to some other trouble which has left no trace in our tradition , for instance during the wars of the successors of Alexander at the end of the fourth century .
15 When new words are encountered , either the GPC route or the analogy route may be used , but given the inconsistencies of English , neither route will ensure the correct pronunciation .
16 He felt no fear that either the militia or the rebels would molest him or his men , since all the troubles were occurring in what he thought of as the richer areas .
17 On one level the Republic often criticises the northern security forces , but it too relies on the RUC : the Garda co-operate with the northern police force and do not , as a matter of policy , deal with either the Army or the UDR .
18 There remained doubts over implementing the accord , particularly because right-wing factions in the military and the wealthy ruling oligarchy had not been party to the talks , and because hardline elements within the FMLN might not accept the dropping of a previous key demand that either the army be disbanded or its ranks be reduced and the remainder merged into those of the guerrillas .
19 The effect was to create the idea that either the wall did not exist or , if it did , it was of no possible significance .
20 We have seen ( 1.12 ) that by elementary operations we can perform an equivalent transformation C = PAQ and C has a special canonical form , either the unit matrix or containing a diagonal unit submatrix .
21 However , it is always worth considering either the chairman or managing director for training and possibly one or two other members of the board .
22 Closing my eyes , thinking that it might be either the sun or the Pernod , I waited a few seconds and chanced another look .
23 Writing on behalf of News Group Newspapers Ltd , he denied that either the Sun or the News of the World ‘ has anything so grand as a ‘ marketing strategy ’ — whatever that is ’ .
24 Débourbage , or cleansing , of the must can take place at either the presshouse or the winery and is , in its simplest form , merely a resting of the must to enable the particles of skin and other impurities to settle on the bottom of the vat .
25 Since Sir Edmond 's will ruled out charging fees , there were two possible solutions : either the Goldsmiths would have to increase the stipend from their own income from Shaa 's bequest , or the local community would have to take a hand .
26 The roundhouse kick uses either the instep or the ball of the foot as a weapon .
27 They all belong to clubs affiliated to either the Ulster Karate Association , the Ulster Karate Federation , the Karate Union of Ireland or UK Karate do Wado kai .
28 ‘ With just three days until polling , it is becoming clear that the voters do not want either the Conservative or the Labour Party to win this election outright , ’ Mr Ashdown told his party 's campaign news conference in London .
29 Of those who voted , virtually all voted for either the Conservative or Labour parties ; 3 .
30 More than three-quarters of those on the electoral register turned out on each occasion to cast their vote and , of those who did so , more than 90% voted usually for either the Conservative or Labour candidate .
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