Example sentences of "difficult for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They also made it more difficult for temporary residents or visitors to become permanent residents .
2 It was difficult for married women to achieve a substantial basic retirement pension record within the state pension scheme and to gain access to an employer 's pension scheme .
3 Does the press narrow popular conceptions of rape and make it more difficult for raped women to obtain justice ?
4 Starting and staying in business is more difficult for certain types of people than it is for others .
5 The production of software should be depersonalised in the specific sense that the management system makes it difficult for individual producers to regard items of software as their own .
6 It 's difficult for Black people to get the things they need in prison .
7 The absence of significant disposable income in the community would mean that it would be difficult for new economic activity to develop , there being no local income to compete for .
8 Doug Green , Jane Dubar and Nigel Barnes all experienced their recruitment to the INSET course as part of the politics of the school whereby it is difficult for new teachers to refuse to take part in educational research .
9 A century ago there were empires whose boundaries were difficult for outside traders to penetrate ; now exporters of communications products and services experience difficulties in entering the domestic markets of such large population nations as China , India , USSR , USA , Indonesia , Japan , and Brazil — nations which together have about half the world 's people .
10 It is difficult for existing borrowers to get mortgage protection insurance .
11 Labour believes it would be difficult for Liberal Democrat MPs to vote down a modest package that includes devolution for Scotland and an official commission on electoral reform on which their party is fully represented .
12 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
13 Certain developments in seventeenth-century science did prove more difficult for Catholic authorities to assimilate .
14 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
15 There is still a strong sense in Britain that even to discuss foreign policy is somehow unpatriotic or obscene , and this certainly made it more difficult for Labour to raise international questions .
16 IT WAS difficult for small independents to offer services like their Holiday Care system , which offered immediate help to holidaymakers , whatever the problem , like lost baggage or loans to cope with legal problems over cars in Spain , for which customers were given access to a phone numnber until 15 days after coming home .
17 There was FDP resentment at Adenauer 's domination of government , and over his consideration of an electoral reform which would make it even more difficult for small parties to be elected to the Bundestag .
18 I would agree it is always difficult for small Associations to achieve sponsorship but as the saying goes ‘ if at first you do n't succeed … ’
19 It is a little more difficult for central NACAB 's information retrieval section to isolate debt enquiries accurately , as they form part of general consumer problems , but it is unlikely that their experience is different .
20 And he continues : ‘ The judge may as easily say ‘ This is all too difficult for interlocutory motion .
21 Cabins were 71 steps down , making life difficult for disabled passengers .
22 Constant changes in accounting criteria , for example in the allocation of items between operating and investment accounts , made it difficult for external controllers to calculate the true size of the deficit .
23 Under such pressures it proved very difficult for monetary authorities to intervene in foreign exchange markets to ensure stable rates of exchange between all EC currencies .
24 That could cause difficulties and if such an inhibition operated which did not apply to other bus companies it could make it difficult for management-employee buy-out teams to raise funds .
25 Since anger is the only respected currency , it becomes extraordinarily difficult for genuine feelings of distress or even sorrow to be expressed by prisoners .
26 Likewise it is sometimes difficult for adolescent boys who work hard at building an image of toughness within their peer group to drop that image for the sake of the drama .
27 I know that in some parts of the country , notably in the north-east , one or two local authorities have made it rather difficult for protective street furniture to be erected along the sides of roads where there has been ram-raiding .
28 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
29 This magnet effect not only puts pressure on the south east but makes it difficult for other regions to attract the type of investment necessary for their own economic revival .
30 It would be very difficult for other members to hold a leader falling past them without a belay .
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