Example sentences of "gave me the " in BNC.

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1 In possessing her , he is both taken out of , and placed in possession of , himself : ‘ She gave me the idea of my manliness I had grown to need . ’
2 The tea tasted horrible but at least it gave me the chance to have a little think .
3 She gave me the tip she 'd put aside for the waitress and then raided her purse again to replace it .
4 The advent of the Arbortech Carving Competition at the 1990 Woodworker Show gave me the idea of putting the tool to some good use .
5 This description gave me the idea of a soldier slipping silently through the jungle .
6 ‘ I used to do a lot of home brewing and going round beer festivals gave me the idea of doing it for a living .
7 He even jumped on me when asked to pose for a photo and , towering above me with his paws on my shoulders , gave me the most enormous , slobbering lick imaginable .
8 He then gave me the line , in Italian , from memory : ‘ Dimmi se mai fu fatto qualque cosa ? ’ — ‘ Tell me if anything was ever done ? ’
9 He gave me the thumbs up sign then disappeared into his trench .
10 The thought of the delicious lunch gave me the extra boost I needed to reach the summit .
11 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
12 Tony gave me the benefit of his wisdom as we stood on the edge of a mile-wide snow field and waved goodbye to Hafpor .
13 My husband gave me the news that my father had died back in the village .
14 Mr Koc said : ‘ If you gave me the whole of Istanbul I would not do anything like that .
15 Mr Koc said : ‘ If you gave me the whole of Istanbul I would not do anything like that .
16 The Yorkshire crowd gave me the most overwhelming reception , you know .
17 But then there was that day she gave me the brooch what she said I was n't never to forget .
18 Dot said , ‘ Mrs Hollidaye gave me the money for a cab . ’
19 But no amount of reading from the prayer book gave me the comfort I sought .
20 Aside from this , there was an invitation to take part in Poll Tax Bingo , an introductory subscription to a new magazine called Torture , Bestiality , Ritual Murder And Game Shows On Cable and Satellite ! and a letter which gave me the chance to send £10 notes to ten strangers .
21 I wish there was still something to look at which gave me the same feeling .
22 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
23 Tremayne listened a bit and talked a bit and then gave me the receiver again .
24 From this Time to that of her Death , few Days pass 'd in which I did not either see or hear from her ; for she gave me the Pleasure of seeing all her Poems as soon as they were finish 'd
25 ‘ You gave me the fright of my life there .
26 But that first dive gave me the taste .
27 He tore out the early pages and gave me the rest of it and we use it now for our visitors ' signatures . ‘
28 Being in the right place at the right time is all important in fishing , and living on the doorstep of the river gave me the advantage .
29 Tom could see this so he gave me the key to his hotel room and told me to have a shower and put on some of his clothes .
30 ‘ There 's an inside to things , ’ he explained , ‘ and print only gave me the outside .
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