Example sentences of "gave him [art] " in BNC.

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1 She gave him no more than a perfunctory ‘ So glad you could come , ’ before passing him on to her husband .
2 The plans were sent to the Governors of the Greenwich Hospital , but they gave him no encouragement .
3 His arm lay against his side like another body , his but not his , a throbbing strangeness grotesquely large , a companion to his every movement and one that gave him no peace .
4 She came with him to Joe 's birthday party and danced mainly with Peter , though in the slow numbers she gave him no encouragement to smooch with her ; and when she danced with other people he thought that , quite literally , he was going to die of pain .
5 His family knew nothing of education and so gave him no support or encouragement , still less active aid .
6 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
7 Darling finished the tour with 1022 runs at 34.07 , but in that strong batting line-up this gave him no better than eighth place .
8 " I know how you came by your money , Harry Pascoe , and I know that Sam was only in with you because you gave him no alternative .
9 Not only were many of his proposals radically altered by the Duma , but he encountered stiff opposition from the State Council and the Tsar himself gave him no more than lukewarm support .
10 She gave him no inkling that she was anxious or worried , remained firm and maintained a total discipline of emotion and action .
11 Not unnaturally , as a Conservative supporter , this gave him no pleasure and he was reasonably apprehensive that it would arouse criticism from other persons of the same political persuasion .
12 Sikes and Nancy gave him no chance to escape and Oliver had no breath to call out for help .
13 Cora-Beth 's voice gave him no time to consider the matter further .
14 Marilyn Monroe gave him no clues .
15 Flaubert was distressed and begged for mercy , but she gave him no quarter . ’
16 He drank heavily , but it gave him no elation , merely intensified his mood .
17 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
18 Gebrec smiled politely , but Melissa had the impression that the announcement gave him no particular pleasure .
19 But it gave him no comfort .
20 It was easy to imagine the undertaker sitting , relaxed , without his jacket or tie , being shot by someone behind him ; probably by someone well known to him whose presence gave him no concern .
21 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
22 The poor sod does n't like it , but the boss gave him no choice .
23 The growled admission obviously gave him no pleasure , and Gina decided it wiser not to point out that in fact he had n't recalled his generosity until she had prompted his memory !
24 But no matter how much he twisted and turned , the Liverpool dynamo gave him no rest .
25 She gave him no sign .
26 ‘ Although one assumes David only crossed the border because his niece had been cheated of her crown and gave him no peace until he avenged her , haranguing him with letter after letter .
27 Swan gave him no such greeting .
28 He made a half-hearted move towards me , but I gave him no encouragement .
29 It gave him no pleasure .
30 But then the pointlessness of unemployment gave him no pleasure .
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