Example sentences of "felt for the " in BNC.

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1 McQuaid felt for the authority he had slowly made his own over the years , an authority that had outgrown Moran ‘ s .
2 When she got home , she felt for the first time in months the need to write a letter , to commit her thoughts and feelings to paper and communicate through the medium of paper and pen with someone .
3 Gingerly , sweating , I curled my left hand behind my back and felt for the third arrow , and found it sticking out of my jersey though fairly loose in my hand .
4 That 's your — ’ he felt for the word ’ — facilities . ’
5 But the depth of respect and affection felt for the late leader of the Islamic revolution does not extend to his successors , who have broken into two loose camps of so-called ‘ radicals ’ and ‘ pragmatists ’ .
6 Then he felt for the pain in his neck .
7 Tongue out , as if licking the beer from his lips , Trent felt for the wind .
8 When it was midnight and Rodrigo was fast asleep , the leper breathed against him between his shoulders , and that breath was so strong that it passed through him , even through his breast ; and he awoke , being astounded , and felt for the leper by him , and found him not ; and he began to call him , but there was no reply .
9 Walter climbed in beside him , trying hard not to show the fear he felt for the mechanical monster .
10 He described himself as the ‘ natural son ’ of his parents on his baptism certificate , and this may explain the affinity he felt for the boy .
11 At least , this is how Mary , Freda and I felt for the first few weeks .
12 As he kissed her again he slowly felt for the gusset of her panties , pulled them to one side and entered her expertly .
13 The tenderness he felt for the child was equal to , if different from , the tenderness he felt for his mother .
14 And now , as he entered Lady Ursula Berowne 's sitting room , Dalgliesh felt for the first time that he was in a private house , that this was a room which the owner had made peculiarly her own .
15 He felt for the first time in his life what it must be like to be one of them and was overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness and futility .
16 The respect in which the Headmaster of our second school is held again contrasts with the contempt and even hatred felt for the man who headed our first — the man who did n't know their names .
17 This particular political failure of the post-war welfare policies , to provide equality and not just the opportunity for individual achievement , was set in its turn against the dislocation that my mother 's 1950s represent : welfarism in one country did not embody the desire people felt for the world that had shaped them .
18 He felt for the bedside table with his left hand , remembered why the right one was all bandaged up , and switched on the light .
19 He felt for the light switch .
20 Well , I cycled up quite slowly behind him and then I stopped with my feet on the ground and felt for the gun .
21 He felt for the monocle dangling against his shirt front and tumbled it between his fingers , over and over as though telling a Rosary .
22 His senses told him that Cora-Beth was as eager as he for closer intimacies , and she made no attempt to draw back when he unbuttoned her coat and felt for the soft warmth of her breasts .
23 But love was what he felt for the stranger who 'd thrust herself upon him .
24 I felt for the matches .
25 Frances told me about their life in Cornwall and I felt for the first time in my life that I was among people of an older generation that I understood , real people .
26 He wriggled to the rear of the cupboard ; felt for the wooden battens on the panel at the end of the dark space .
27 He swung one foot out , to the next joist , then put out one hand and felt for the next rafter ; he transferred his weight carefully .
28 He felt for the edges of the square door , found them and lifted it gently .
29 ‘ That philosopher , ’ said Scarlet , who seemed to have forgotten about going home , ‘ the one I was telling you about , he used to go galloping after women all over the place when his hair and his teeth were all falling out , and he used to write about the terrific compassion he felt for the human race , and his breath was foul .
30 He felt for the receiver and held it gingerly to his ear .
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