Example sentences of "to take up [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At 50 kg the device is too heavy to take up Japan 's steep hills — and it can not yet produce on-the-spot pictures .
2 It soon became apparent that a crucial factor was the readiness of interviewees to take up areas referred to in the questions .
3 Richmann had found a couple of his men in one of the city 's bars , and dragged them out to take up position around a junction in the northern poor quarter .
4 It was nearly time for her to take up position at Ludgate Circus , but first she had to get Ruby to leave .
5 On a voyage to Kuwait , perhaps to Ahmadi or Khafji , the drill was to pass the Strait of Hormuz in darkness , travelling straight across to Dubai , anchor for the following day and then set off in the evening to take up position off Das Island .
6 En Shao appeared in Liverpool two years ago , shortly before he was due to take up position of principal conductor of the Ulster Orchestra where he is now installed .
7 ‘ I wonder if I ought to take up weight-lifting . ’
8 So far as the former are concerned , the Act ( as does the Financial Services Act ) assumes that public issues of debentures will be undertaken by the same methods as issues of shares and it provides that a contract to take up debentures , like one to take up shares , may be enforced by an order for specific performance .
9 Those that have substantial incomes should not be in a position to take up houses that might otherwise be allocated to those on a lower income and Mr Mayor i as a result of this I feel that that I would urge this council , although I suspect I shall be unsuccessful , in supporting this motion .
10 In 1656 , Colonel John Washington left England to take up land in Virginia which later became Mount Vernon .
11 And you decided to take up floristry because you saw a course advertised in a magazine ? ’
12 You do not necessarily need to take up space by publishing them with the competition but they must be readily available on request .
13 By attracting famous names BPT hopes to create a snowball effect , boosting confidence and encouraging smaller retailers to take up space .
14 On 28 July 1971 the Rhodesia Herald published a letter from me in response to a vitriolic attack by a Rhodesia Front Party MP : When Mr Irvine claims that the university campus is both a hotbed of evil living and orientated to the ‘ unpractical arts ’ subjects , did he visualise arts and social science students abandoning their studies in history , sociology and political science to take up carpentry and plumbing ?
15 Her incentive to take up painting came after she read an article in the Sunday Telegraph about Brigitte Bardot , and , in particular , a poem titled ‘ Complaint of an abandoned dog ’ .
16 Later Marie Wassilieff too was to claim that she had persuaded Modigliani to take up painting again .
17 And a new exhibition of water colours at Oxford 's Old Fire Station , but what inspired the artist to take up painting ?
18 It is much more important that the student is given an understanding of a conceptual structure , and is able to take up stances within it , to understand something of the fundamental debates taking place within it , to see the difference between sense and nonsense , and to stand back and form critical evaluations of the wider social role of the form of thought .
19 The student has to be able to take yet a further step , and to be able to take up stances , hold to particular theories , or simply to act .
20 Stirling ordered the crews to take up formation and , bumping over the rough ground in the moonlight , they headed for the airfield .
21 We stop the jeep for a few words with the Marines , some I recognise from a few weeks ago when they were on their way to take up positions on the coast , on the left of 1st Commando Brigade .
22 Now the sentinel submarines were under way again , gently manoeuvring to take up positions alongside Taureg .
23 However , the inequalities in higher education have rarely been the subject of close and critical attention ; far from arguing that higher education serves to reproduce inequalities , commentators ( e.g. Wolpe 1977 ) have argued merely that higher education functions to train middle-class students to take up positions of status and responsibility in society , such as civil servants , managers , teachers and doctors .
24 Officers joined their men , directing them to take up positions in the main access tunnels , while the main group was despatched to keep an eye on the dock area .
25 Er it ought not to have done in so far that er we were we were we were we were moving , we were going forward to take up positions on er on the river , er and this was being done on the understanding that er a certain bridge had been destroyed , er and it had n't been destroyed er and they were and they were they were already across you see .
26 Before they went through to the staff room to take up positions when the parents arrived .
27 The continuing Gulf crisis was characterized during September by ( i ) the progressive strengthening of the military position of the multinational anti-Iraq coalition , as forces arrived to take up positions in the region and further commitments were made ; ( ii ) the tightening of the economic embargo , extended to include interdiction of air traffic from Sept. 25 ; and ( iii ) the growing perception on the diplomatic front that a negotiated solution might only be achievable in the context of a wider consideration of conflicts in the region .
28 As the Cheshires sped away , soldiers in one of the Land Rovers leaped out at a road block to take up positions in a ditch and provide covering fire with their SA80 automatic rifles .
29 ‘ It 's important to get more children to take up school dinners .
30 The larva is then able to take up water from the environment and enlarges to rupture the remaining layers and escape .
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