Example sentences of "making the good " in BNC.

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1 Codes of practice set out by bodies such as the RYA to avoid the effects of contaminated waterways are all very well , but should n't we be taking direct action upon the problem itself — rather than making the best of a bad job ?
2 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
3 The Defence scientists accepted the challenge and supported the Air Staff in making the best the enemy of the good .
4 Making the best of Cuba 's bad job
5 His present life was , and would be , making the best of things .
6 At the third last Rubstic was back-pedalling and it was still the two crocks — Bob Champion and Aldaniti — making the best of their way home from Royal Mail .
7 Making the best of what you have
8 Five years after the accident , Dawn was making the best of her new life .
9 John was not always a reliable source of information about his own past : he combined a poor memory for dates with an imaginative flair for making the best of any story .
10 Nails took such a proposition in his stride , unworried ; Jazz , although slightly apprehensive , was keen because swimming was the discipline he most enjoyed and was making the best progress in ; only Hoomey 's eyes came out on stalks at the presumption .
11 Perhaps the most important regular question to keep asking yourself , even have it up on your wall where you can see it often , is : Am I making the best use of my time right now ?
12 Since delegation can occur at any time a basic question you the manager should regularly be asking yourself is : ‘ At this moment , am I making the best use of my time ? ’
13 It sounds as if we are doing little more than making the best of a bad job .
14 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
15 Included are some suggestions for making the best use of the opportunities and for overcoming the problems .
16 His mother had been a pragmatic woman , always making the best of the most difficult situations , earning a livelihood as a needlewoman to help her sons when young and later during John 's early theatrical ventures .
17 Dorothy Hardisty , General Secretary of the RCM , knew the problem and advised making the best of it :
18 These result suggest that most elderly patients have some difficulty in making the best use of eye-drops .
19 A very attractive species , making the best of average conditions .
20 From then on , you 'll be sure of making the best use of electricity on the cheap night rate .
21 Maggie LeMan kept her eyes riveted on the occupants of the stage for a moment , where they were bowing and making the best of the half-hearted appreciation now being shown by clapping punctuated with cat-calls ; then , slowly leaning to the side , she picked up the bird cage as she said , ‘ What do I want with a concert party ?
22 Pupils do need encouragement and help in making the best of them , and these expensive items should be returned to the clinic if they are not being used .
23 He added that the churches were not making the best use of the mass media — print , radio , video and television .
24 The Video Guide gives the teacher step-by-step guidance on making the best integrated use of the video and the accompanying materials .
25 The second underlying process of kin support which is highlighted by the examination of historical evidence is the process of maximizing and making the best use of resources within the kin group .
26 Thrasher 's delinquent gang members are not seen as frustrated conventionalists ‘ forced ’ into crime , but rather as normal kids , with normal needs , making the best available choices to satisfy those needs , just like everyone else .
27 There is a long and useful section on making the best of your snap-shots when you return home .
28 This paper describes an audit of general practitioner referrals for radiography in one health district in England before and after the introduction of the Royal College of Radiologists ' booklet Making the Best Use of a Department of Radiology .
29 But even the best option feels like making the best of a bad situation — the square peg of this escalating health and social problem is being forced into the round hole of a system of service rationing which was designed with anyone but drug and alcohol misusers in mind .
30 As we shall see in Chapter 6 , much conformity may be explained by powerlessness in the face of social circumstances , where the actors recognise their inability to change things , and so resign themselves to making the best of it .
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