Example sentences of "making [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Just as a doctor may decide to switch off a life support machine because the patient is in effect dead , so care workers could ‘ switch off ’ the services on which the old person is totally dependent for care in the community , thus making admission to an institution inevitable .
2 This will avoid any delay in making payment to you , otherwise this might be missed until the next reconciliation of the travel accounts .
3 The 1944 Education Act claimed to eliminate such inequality of opportunity by making entry to grammar schools the result of an examination open to all via the competition of the ‘ 11-plus ’ .
4 It would certainly damage the apostle 's prophecy of future judgment of the world by God if he were found to be making reference to events which were only myth and legend .
5 The report continues by making reference to the factors that might be instrumental in contributing to the development of a whole school policy : curriculum-general , language , mathematics , expressive subjects and physical education , science , social education ; schemes of work , children 's progress and school organisation .
6 Rather , what this chapter has been concerned to make clear is that the potential impact of records of achievement , as well as that of the GCSE , can not be determined without making reference to both initiatives .
7 Section 3 is divided into the specific procedures to be followed by each person involved , making reference to the actions taken by other people .
8 Making reference to the emotive yet eccentric account compiled by the historian , Michelet , who had witnessed the French Revolution as a young boy , Kiefer has constructed twenty beds for the female martyrs and heroines of that great and terrible event .
9 Can a constable , when authorised by section 7(3) of the Act to require a specimen of blood or urine ( and absent any medical opinion that for medical reasons a blood specimen can not or should not be taken ) , lawfully require the provision of blood ( or urine ) alone without , in speaking to the suspect , making reference to the alternative ?
10 Indeed , in the course of our research it became increasingly clear that many of those commenting upon the " new " temporary working were making reference to the same small number of examples of this practice — examples , moreover , in which the number of temporary workers actually employed was often very low [ see Chapter 7 ] .
11 Sir , in making reference to erm policies which erm have relevance to the question of the status of the two sites we 're concerned with , I will start with those which are part of the statutory plan , that is to say the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan approved by the Secretary of State , and then proceed downwards to the more recent documents which do not employ .
12 It was described as being ‘ … as black as a luger barrel ’ ; as being able to bring ‘ … polite conversation round to the subject of violence and warfare ’ ; as accusing the Georgian terraces of Bath ( where it was exhibited ) of daydreaming , and of making reference to the military hardware stored in the ancient subterranean quarries beneath the city .
13 One criticism of third normal form is that by making reference to other normal forms , hidden dependencies may not be revealed , BCNF does not make reference to other normal forms .
14 As a result , senior industry members developed a publication on quality management making reference to the specific requirements of BS5750 .
15 The answer is , of course , that the position of a word boundary has some effect on the realisation of the phoneme ; this is one of the many cases in which the occurrence of different allophones can only be properly explained by making reference to units of grammar ( something which was for a long time disapproved of by many phonologists ) .
16 If law is to be used as ‘ an instrument for casting an alternative political vote by exposing the decision making process to contending views of public necessity ’ ( Lewis and Harden , 1982 , p. 68 ) , the most obvious way in which such an aim might be pursued is through the development of a test case strategy .
17 This will lead to the formation of issue networks or sub-governments — essentially triangular groupings of élites embracing bureaucrats , congressmen and pressure group leaders who share a common interest and are in a position to distort the policy making process to their collective advantage .
18 This will allow the mechanisms whereby participants are able to influence the standards making process to be identified , and will facilitate a better understanding of the introduction of national , international and manufacturers ' standards .
19 For example , Anaximander , in the only surviving fragment directly attributed to him , said that all things that are created must also perish , making atonement to one another for their injustice according to Time 's decree .
20 The neck joins the body at around the 16th fret , making access to those all important top frets rather awkward , to say the least .
21 The company explains this by saying that a co-operative-server database hides the complexity of a computer network by enabling applications to access data located on multiple computers as if all the data were stored on a single computer , thus simplifying application building and — it is hoped — improving decisions by making access to information easier .
22 On Feb. 18 the West German President , Richard von Weizsäcker , warned that making access to the Deutschmark the benchmark of German unity would lead to East Germany being " swallowed " .
23 Time enough later for Lucy to know the sheer delight of making love to her .
24 I mean , can you think of any other situation , Pop , when a man gets so close to a woman except when he 's actually making love to her ? ’
25 In fact , nineteenth century pornography contains examples of one woman making love to another using her huge clitoris as a penis .
26 It was mikva night , and the last thing in the world that she felt like doing was making love to her husband — she could have quite cheerfully strangled him !
27 It is an extraordinary fact that in 1954 the hero of a bestselling novel like Lucky Jim never once gets to the point of making love to any of the girls he pursues .
28 But how did Charlie feel kissing and making love to one of the pop world 's latest idol , especially , as some on-set mischief makers suggested the two had got on so well , their celluloid games carried on into real life .
29 In view of the Queen 's reactions it is little wonder that Lord Clarendon , the Foreign Secretary , should have half-jokingly accused the Emperor of ‘ making love to her ’ .
30 In order to keep an erection long enough to fake orgasm , I had to imagine that I was making love to Karen .
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