Example sentences of "had [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've actually had Maundy Thursday and the last supper .
2 Tom Driberg claimed to have had oral sex with which former Labour minister ?
3 Almost all of the higher earners and men with 10 or more partners have had oral sex with a woman , and it 's the men with a regular relationship and someone else on the side who are most likely to have done it in the past year .
4 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
5 Those people who learned before the age of 20 years , the majority of whom had deaf parents ( some had deaf siblings ) , are able to translate effectively just under 60 per cent of the information on average .
6 With the abolition of US capital controls in 1974 all US residents and corporations have had total freedom to invest their funds inside or outside the USA .
7 Within the year before the interview 27 patients had had pulmonary arterial pressures measured directly and 23 had had total lung capacity ( helium dilution ) and gas transfer measured .
8 Previously performed colonoscopy and/or barium enema had shown that seven had had total colitis , one patient had disease affecting the transverse colon , and three patients distal colitis — that is , the most proximal extension was below the splenic flexure .
9 Just as I am sure twenty-seven victories seemed utterly insufficient to Jackie — and had he not retired , he was certainly fit enough and a good enough driver , given the right cars , to which he would have had total access , to notch up another fifteen or twenty — I am sure that his first million seemed a trifle .
10 Downing Street repeatedly points out the two have had friendly telephone calls .
11 Some , like the Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , of which only a single item of evidence remains , appears to have had friendly relations with the National Sailors and Firemen .
12 ‘ How long has my father had outstanding bills with the tradespeople ? ’
13 THE All Ireland schools ' finals take place tomorrow at the Baldoyle Centre in Dublin , and Coleraine Inst , who represent Ulster in the senior boys event , have had outstanding success since the early 80s winning the Irish title no less than nine times since 1980 .
14 All Falkenhayn could set against the Fifth Army 's disappointment at Verdun was the news that the simultaneous U-boat campaign ( as ordained in his Memorandum to the Kaiser ) had already had outstanding success .
15 I 've had odd holidays with friends and my parents but this is the first time I 've actually sort of lived in the country .
16 It should be said , however , that Wimsatt 's treatment of the iconic properties of language is as far as the New Critics went in the direction of stylistic analysis as I have defined it ; in general they were much more interested in meaning than in forms of expression , and would have undoubtedly had scarce sympathy for Jakobson 's attempt to define the properties of poetry in purely linguistic terms .
17 Modern historians have had scant success with this material , which inspires little trust .
18 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
19 The SNP has had Labour doing somersaults for months on Opposition cross-party co-operation .
20 ‘ We 've had telepathic contacts before in sympathetic Returners . ’
21 Throughout history the great sides have always had devastating pairs of fast bowlers — Larwood and Voce , Lindwall and Miller , Trueman and Statham , Hall and Griffith , Lillee and Thomson , Holding and Roberts .
22 One reason for the Groningen 's demise was the government 's policy of concentrating on the major pied breeds and closing the herdbooks of minors such as the Groningen , Lakenvelder and Witrik so that they were unable to give evidence of registered purebred bulls when new bull licensing laws came into force 20 years later — a move which has had devastating effects on minor breeds in other countries where similar laws were introduced .
23 Fires set to control weeds on degraded pastures also spread , particularly to selectively logged areas as in Para , Brazil , as the gaps left have tracks connecting them and plenty of fuel : such have had devastating effects in Borneo during seasonal droughts ( see section 2.2.2 ) .
24 Finally , Pilkingtons in St Helens , thought of as a one-company town , has seen the successful application of float glass technology , but recently large scale redundancy has had devastating consequences on local employment .
25 Lined up against the working mums were women who 'd given up work to look after their children , women who 'd had working mothers themselves and felt they had missed out , and women who had tried to do it all and given up the struggle .
26 ‘ Certainly I 've had terrific support from the part-time members and recognise the important contribution made by the full-time members .
27 Must of had terrific arms on them , oh dear me
28 Money-spinner FOOTBALL : The FA of Wales have had private talks about using Cardiff rugby club 's ground , which lies in the shadow of Arms Park , for Wales 's potentially money spinning World Cup game against Belgium .
29 ‘ I had always had private clients in my spare time and they were gathering momentum , ’ she says .
30 One major OECD figure had already had momentous things to say about the Gulf .
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