Example sentences of "probably do [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That , and we 've had this in the past , where I would say that people that live in Yarbury North and South probably do earn less and live in houses that probably are , do n't have as big gardens and things like that , so the natu the nature of the is that they probably do earn less money erm but I I do n't consider those to be ghettos at all .
2 That , and we 've had this in the past , where I would say that people that live in Yarbury North and South probably do earn less and live in houses that probably are , do n't have as big gardens and things like that , so the natu the nature of the is that they probably do earn less money erm but I I do n't consider those to be ghettos at all .
3 We 're a school choir — if there are many youth choirs , who can draw from several schools around the area there then the chances of our getting anywhere are slim but if it 's large school choirs then I think we probably do stand a fair chance .
4 But what of the objection that , while such processes probably do exist , they may be very different from the processes posited by AI ?
5 While the exercise about to be described was a theoretical model , not an empirical test , its results indicate that positive NPV opportunities probably do exist in some ‘ cash cows ’ and that an integration of DCF and portfolio-grid analyses may lead to a more careful and sophisticated use of portfolio grids .
6 The Madonna and Child probably do carry the symbolic meaning which he attributes to them ; but if this is so then it is one which much earlier was carried by the representations of Isis nursing Horus , or by the many-breasted Diana of Ephesus , herself a lineal descendant of Palaeolithic figurines like the Venus of Willendorf .
7 Its demands probably do exclude some otherwise suitable candidates .
8 They probably do improve the services to the people on the estates ; they do hurry along their repairs , which I think you mentioned at first , Bill , but we 've still retained a central department .
9 When 200 of Drexel 's former employees appeared on an hour-long television show recently , their host , Mr Phil Donahue , told them exactly what most Americans probably do think of them .
10 I 'm I 'd like to know what it 's like running Oxford City Council when , and I 'm sure you think you 're doing an good job and many people probably do think you 're a good job , but there are lots of issues that need discussing .
11 More recent studies have shown that at least the higher primates display REM while sleeping , and therefore probably do dream .
12 And you probably do like them well enough , thought Jaq .
13 You do n't need to become a slave to Filofax — but you probably do need a college diary or alphabetical address book with space for telephone numbers , etc .
14 I think we I think you 're right we probably do need to run a workshop .
15 Is I think we probably do need as Mr suggested to move number one suggested resolutions , erm now if the Liberal Democrats won places in and if they 'd rather have the work noted proceed to proceed by something sinister .
16 You probably do stick to your new regime for a short while .
17 Although such characteristics probably do play some secondary role , we find this interpretation unconvincing and suspect that it stems from a need to make a connection with what are perceived as the relatively more ‘ attractive ’ features of psychosis , rather than with those emphasised in descriptions of schizophrenia , a concept that has taken on almost entirely negative connotations .
18 They probably do have a bit put away — but not enough that they can afford to risk it . ’
19 It is a contract of insurance , it 's not an open-ended situation , and , yes , I think that people probably do get carried away with the euphoria of buying the vehicle .
20 You do n't know in this case you probably do know , that the personalities are the same .
21 I probably do know her .
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