Example sentences of "probably for the " in BNC.

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1 It was a crash course in survival , and in learning how to get on with people ; but when he made friends there , he knew , probably for the first time in his life , that he was liked for who he was and not what he was .
2 This burial mound , probably for the Anglo-Saxon King Redwald , contained a rich treasure which gives a startling insight into the wealth of the ruling classes in seventh-century East Anglia .
3 Although SHe suffered a disquieting disappointment when Jahsaxa told hir Malamute would not be coming back ( not even a goodbye ! ) , it was probably for the best .
4 Of course , we hope that Baker will undertake pioneer work and organise courses in neighbouring rural areas but probably for the moment any courses under Chapter III could be arranged in the usual way .
5 Nicky responded because , probably for the first time in his life , someone had shown trust in him and had treated him with respect .
6 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
7 In academic libraries a large number of requests for a new book may suggest that it is a recommended text , and is likely to influence the number of copies purchased ( probably for the short loans collection ) .
8 This was a rather isolated place , tucked behind a hill and she used to run a little shop , probably for the company as much as anything .
9 For the time being , and probably for the foreseeable future , the rather vague criterion remains that of ‘ episcopal ordination ’ , vague because that procedure is not peculiar to the Anglican Church .
10 It yielded in turn to the peak or vernacular building , with a whole range of housing types carefully adapted to the varied needs and ambitions of their builders Probably for the first time , minor differentiations in social rank had a lasting impact on architectural development in Sussex .
11 It shares ear markings with the tiger , very probably for the same reason , to provide a signal for the cubs to follow , especially at night , when their mother leads them through dense jungle .
12 I think Rich had lost his nerve — probably for the first time in his life . ’
13 There were problems with the warrant , and the Legal Attaché was going to be down at New Scotland Yard for the morning , and probably for the afternoon .
14 The story weaves the Japanese viewpoint widely through the film and presents , probably for the first time to most movie viewers , a rational reason why the Japanese felt they had to attack the United States or suffer as a second-class nation .
15 Various pressures have resulted in growing professionalisation in climbing which has changed the activity and will continue to change it — probably for the worse .
16 Acheson told the committee that aid would be required for Korea , probably for the next three years .
17 Life away from home , probably for the first time , can be both exciting and a little unnerving at times .
18 Keep your notes for at least a full year — and probably for the whole length of the course .
19 For many people their family life is positively harmful and , probably for the majority of people , their experiences with families bring a good deal of pain as well as pleasure .
20 Although most of the reports on the subject had been cut out , probably for the colour pictures of Imam Khomeini , we gathered that the EC countries had suspended relations with Iran and that the whole situation had grown completely out of hand .
21 She was looking for something memorable , probably for the first time in two years , and he did n't want to deny her that .
22 The reason being that probably for the last 50 years the sewers have been provided free : they have outlived any associated loans and so no charge has been made to the revenue accounts .
23 Librarians can , probably for the first time , know how to make their stock relevant to subject work .
24 Molla Gurani 's as kazasker ( an enlargement is given on p. 50 of the plates in Unver ) , for example , can not have been added before 845 , when he first came to the Ottoman lands , and was almost certainly added after 855 , when he held the kazaskerlik probably for the first and only time ( cf. below , pp. 169–71 ) , so that one can not be certain of the date when , or the circumstances in which , any of them was added .
25 In other words , there will always be a tendency for , probably for the offspring to want the mother to go on breast- feeding for that little bit longer tha tha the mother may .
26 If Khan ever whangs off , it is probably for the purposes of spectroscopic analysis .
27 In patients without a gall bladder the biliary related complications have been negligible and probably for the elderly and or debilitated patients , this represents the optimum method of management .
28 As indicated in para. 3.2 , most sites in the Science Area are now full , but one pocket remains for modest development , probably for the Biosciences .
29 Information and promotion I have spoken to you about and the most important thing probably for the users besides us being able to promote what they 're doing for nothing and that is grants , so we are about to write and er you will be able to hotfoot it back to your clubs if they are already registered .
30 The most satisfactory solution for the landlord ( and probably for the tenant ) is for the power to break to be modelled closely on the provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s30(1) ( f ) or ( g ) and for the power to be exercisable on or after a specified date .
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